View Full Version : Not sure if this is a success story

13-03-11, 07:52
I suffer from social anxiety, and really have to force myself into social situations - if I followed my natural inclination I would spend as much time alone as I could get away with.

Anyway, I got an invitation to someone's birthday party this weekend, and I was dreading it and trying to think of an excuse not to attend. Well I went, and it was an ordeal - walking in and hardly knowing anyone there, and having stilted conversations with people who looked liked they would rather be talking to someone else - the works. To make it even worse, I spend ages after the event feeling like a social outcast and a blight.

Well, I've decided to be a bit more positive about the whole thing. Firstly, I was only going to stay for an hour, and I managed an hour-and-a-half. Secondly, I might have been a bore with no social skills, but at least I didn't offend or upset anyone (as far as I know). Lastly, I don't have to force myself into a social situation for a while, as a reward for actually attending this one, and not crying off.

Two further thoughts about this: I think my body language must reveal my inner turmoil in social situations, which must be off-putting for the people I am interacting with. Not sure how to deal with this. Also, I have to accept that I am never going to be a social success, the best I can hope for is to get through social situations without having a full-scale anxiety attack.

16-03-11, 09:02
Well done, I am sure people you come into contact with are not as judgemental as you think - keep up the good work, it may be easier next time x :yahoo:

16-03-11, 12:07
Thats incredibly brave of you, undervaluing ourselves is something we should not do, so give yourself a huge thank you, thats a breakthrough for you and a hug from me for sharing your inspiration with us all x

paula lynne
16-03-11, 12:33
Sounds like a success story to me...very well done, keep up the good work x

20-03-11, 02:04
Thanks for the comments. :) To anyone else suffering from social anxiety, it really is worth pushing yourself to socialise, and it should get a little easier every time you do it. I hope so, anyway :scared15: