View Full Version : b12 and copper deficiency, understanding MRI

13-03-11, 09:39
hi everyone, x
I had an RTA 20 years ago which left me with slipped discs.
in the last 6 years i have been diagnosed with Plantar Faciitus, Peripheral Neuropathy, Vertigo, Ataxia, Reynauds Syndrome, Carpel Tunnel.

I also have lower back pain, painful joints (Knee, Elbows, fingers and sausage toes) fatigue, headaches.

my last MRI said...real signal midline posterior cervical chord signal changes suggestive of b12 or copper deficiency...

I've had the blood tests for b12 and copper and both are within normal range. I rang my neurologist but she wouldn't tell me anything on the phone, I have to wait for an appointment which is usually 3 months.
Any ideas what this means?
and if its not b12 or copper deficiency, what else could this suggest.
thanks, oddsocks, x