View Full Version : scared :(

13-03-11, 10:33
i useually sleep on my belly and then when i wake up in a morning i have tummy discomfort for only about 5 or ten minutes .. (witch is probly due to me bein layed on my belly all night and squashing it) well ive started sleeping on my side and this morning and its happend a few times ive woken up with my arm hurting at the tom like an ache but a svere ache .. is this normal?? everything and anything is scareing me i keep thinking there has got to be something wrong with me! but my doc assured me that if there was something wrong it would have showed up on my blood test .. and does anyone get tender parts on there body that they havnt even banged or anything?? like on my leg ans my chest when i touch it it feels sore and i havent done anything to it or hurt myself or anything???? please help im fed up x

13-03-11, 11:06
Hey Holly,

I can relate to everything you have said, especially the arms aching in the morning. The other morning I went to pull back the duvet to let my little girl come in bed for a cuddle and I couldn't grip the duvet at all, my hand just kept missing! I assumed I had slept on it but it's hapened since too.

I get aches & pains all over to be honest, at the moment my chest is tender too but I'm sure that'll change by the end of the day and something else will be hurting!!!

You're not alone chick
K xx

13-03-11, 11:18
Hi your symptoms sound like mine sometimes - my arms ache as i found i was sleeping in awlward positions during the night and gripping my pillow. My stomach is bad every morning from it turning due to anxiety in my sleep - its very common - buy some actimels or yakult and have one in the morning when you get up it is quite soothing - also make sure you drink lots of water it will help with your stomach.

oh and mediation for at least 10 minutes before bedtime works a treat

13-03-11, 11:40
thankyou .. im obsessed with my neck too so i keep gettin little pains in the front of my neck and now my throte feels sore on one side :( the side i worry about .. im worried sick about everything .. if there was something wrong surely there would of been some abnormalaties with my blood and there wasnt .. these aches are not nice but my neck is really really scareing me :( is this just a sore throte do you think?? im desperate to just be ok ..if its not one thing its another .. :( i hope your ok? mt arm isnt dead its just achein and it hurts but its stopped now but when it comes back ill be worrying again xx

13-03-11, 11:41
hey thanks .. ill try that :) xx