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View Full Version : How to fear something less? How to contain the irrational fear?

13-03-11, 10:53
Well, I have this situation that I know isn't all that bad and it's concerning meeting people and what they"ll think of me and my situation. A normal person wouldn't have much problems with it but me, it terrifies me so much, turns my entire organism into a fight or flight battle and I just become a totally different person, I start panicking and it's bad, really bad.
Now, I know the situation isn't really that awful, isn't the end of the world or anything but I make it that way in my mind with constant thinking of the worst and it just drives me crazy.

Now how exactly can I manage this situation, does anyone know? I know I gotta fear less, I know there's nothing really to fear yet...can't help myself, drives me crazy and makes me panic. After I face the situation I'm gone for the next 5 days or so cuz my mind is recovering from all the stress and other stuff.

Thx for helping.

13-03-11, 17:19
:)just wanted to say Hi, I totally understand how you feel when I am going through an anxious period I always feel fearful and the silliest things set me of into panic, and I build it up so much in my head so that I avoid situations and people, even people I know and are close to me crazy eh! All I can say is that the feeling does pass, it's awful but be strong and we will beat this. Keeping busy does help a little rather then sitting and worrying... Have seen your doctor about this...they can help. Much love x

13-03-11, 20:34
Our imaginations always make things worse than they really are. Just go with it and don't step away from your fear. You can practice breathing and give yourself positive affirmations for every step you make. (I continued a conversation even though I felt sick, dizzy, flushing, blushing). You can do it and knowing that you are not alone in your walk will hopefully help. Try not to worry about what other people are thinking. Who knows what they are thinking? Some of them are probably worrying about what YOU think of them! Your brain reacts the same to imagined fear as real fear and that is why your body is trembling, blushing, reacting. Once it knows there is no bear or lion, it will go back into normal mode again. Sometimes it takes time if your brain has become sensitized to little things (like an overactive car alarm).

Best of luck!