View Full Version : thinking about going to the hospital im that bad :(

13-03-11, 16:04
my throtes hurting on one side and now its a little swelled up .. im worried sick now as my anxiety revolves round my neck because of a lymph node thats swelled up a while ago and never gone down .. doc says sometimes they dont go down ever .. my aunt was just here and she said its just swallon gland .. and that its normal to have it on just one side.. is this right??? i cant remember ever haveing swallon glads so i dont know .. but im really really scared now .. its sunday so i cant pop to docs shall i go to the hospial???? or is it just swallon glands and nothing to worry about??? please help me these last few days have been bad, one thing after another! xx

13-03-11, 16:17
Hey Holly,

I think I answered another thread of yours to say yes I have had one-sided throat pain before and also swollen glands on one side. I'm pretty sure it's nothing to worry about and I'm sure you don't need to go to the hospital. If it's still the same tomorrow you could pop to see your GP, chances are you might be getting a cold or you'll wake up tomorrow and it'll be gone.

K xx

13-03-11, 16:19
It does sound like a swollen gland, and it is totally normal for them to stay up for a long time sometimes, the feeling in your throat is due to the anxiety you are feeling at the mo. there is nothing that the hospital can do for this, so if you go you will be wasting your time. quite a few years back, i used to rush to doctors/hospital at everything that was wrong but now i don't do that as i have realised just how bad anxiety can make yiou feel, and whilst feeling like that i would much rather be at home. Obviously only you can decide whether you really need to go to hospital, i am just speaking from what i would do, but maybe try and relax, calm down and see you doctor tomorrow, or you could always call nhs direct and see what advice and reassurence they can offer you.

hope you feel better soon x:hugs:

13-03-11, 16:58
hi thanks for the kind words and reasurence .. my tounges hurting as well now :( near to the back of my tounge :( its scarey is this just due to my throte bein sore and gland swallon?? xx

13-03-11, 17:50
Hi Holly, got your pm and have pm'd you back, hope i can help x

13-03-11, 17:56
Maybe you have tonsilitus or a throat infection? Absolutly nothing to worry about just may mean a course of antibiotics. My glands swelled up in my chin\neck when I was 11, I'm now 30 and they are still up, one more so than the other. Think it must run in the family as both of my kids have got swollen glands that haven't gone down, I asked the dr and she said they will most likely stay up but will stay noticeable untill they get bigger and grow round them x

13-03-11, 23:13
thanks mary :) going docs tomorrow silly as it sounds really hope iv got throte infection because at least then i know im not goin crazzzyyy :( xx

13-03-11, 23:19
I had exactly the same a couple of weeks a go, the doctor said 'give it 2 weeks, its most likely a throat virus or over use of mouthwash, if it doesnt go down then pop back'. I gave it a week and a half and the gland went down a little, maybe you have the same thing?

It was only on one side from the top of the jaw, down to the botton of the throat.