View Full Version : someone to talk to

13-03-11, 20:52
Hi all

I'm new to all this, so i thought i give this a try because there are so many people out ther who do not want to talk about my issues and so many who dont understand, i believe this will.

I have anxiety and panic attacks and they are becoming more frequent, i feel alone some times and find it hard to talk about.

so feel free im open to any dicussion and would love to understand this more and help others who help me and vice versa :)

13-03-11, 20:53
Hi bluesparks

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

13-03-11, 20:59
Thank you Nicola,
I am a 37 yr old male, divorced, 1 son, live alone and have a very stressful job. I have had panic attacks and anxiety for about 2 years, been on anti depressants for 4 years and no suffer from skeletal muscular disorder, and have a banging headache right now and dread work tomorrow !!!

14-03-11, 20:34
I woke up this morning I didnt want to leave the house, didnt want to go to work, still had my headache, back ache and felt anxious. I eventually got up about 2.00pm made a dotoctors appointment, I went to the doctors told them how i feel, doubled my citalapram dosage and re-referred me to CBT which i have been waiting 1 year for, but at least i got that sorted.

Question? I have had so much guilt from my employer, how its not convinent that i have been signed off for a week, that i'm unreliable and causing disruption. last time i was signed off for a week i stupily went in to work so i wouldnt get behind and feel further stressed, considering My employer has caused this what the hell shuold i do? i feel like telling him to poke it, but then i worry will i find another job, how will i pay my maintenance and support my son, pay my mortgage and i dont want to let my other work colleagues down. I feel trapped by a sort of emotional blackmail. Im taking the week off, i have chest pains, headache, back ache and feel low. and now i wonder how the recption will be when i return to work next week.

it feels like my problems get me into a deeper state and its a vicious circle.......

15-03-11, 14:16
When you start avoiding your daily life your circle doesn't cease, it merely gets wider and when it's wider there is more room and chance for other things to get pulled into your circle of worries. I have two jobs, one full time and one which is my passion and hobby, yet sometimes even i feel i just can't go to work. The trick is to not think. You just get up and do it. No plans of action, no thought as to what may happen during the day, just keep waking forward. If you stop walking forward you'll stay in the same place and that sucks if your place gets dark and gloomy. I hope this helps you. Luke.

15-03-11, 14:40
Hi. I'm a 37 year old female and I have agoraphobia and panic attacks. I'm not housebound but going out is a struggle. I also have general anxiety at the moment but I don't get that all the time, it seems to a be a recent thing. I'm not taking any meds except the occasional valium for emergencies. I'm considering trying anti-depressants but I'm not so sure...

15-03-11, 15:02
Hi all

I'm new to all this, so i thought i give this a try because there are so many people out ther who do not want to talk about my issues and so many who dont understand, i believe this will.

I have anxiety and panic attacks and they are becoming more frequent, i feel alone some times and find it hard to talk about.

so feel free im open to any dicussion and would love to understand this more and help others who help me and vice versa :)

:yesyes: Hi welcome to NMP you will have many of people to talk to here for help / advice & support x x