View Full Version : Charlie Sheen

14-03-11, 00:42
I presume everyone will have heard about him by now, and that he's been told he may be bipolar which he's denying.
Suffering from it (allbeit not the same destructive extent) myself I can see as many others can that he appears to be in a manic state. Firstly I really hope he has people around him that when he finally hits earth again someone will be there to understand. Secondly and what's bugging me most is that for once bipolars getting some media coverage, anything to banish stigma for it or any mental illness is good in my eyes except they're making him out to be crazy, laughing at him or along with him I'm not sure which but either way they are portraying him as a madman.
This in turn, if it does pan out that he is bipolar could have awful consequences on someone like me, you tell someone your bipolar and someones mind (who doesn't have it or isn't medically trained) is immediately going to jump to 'oh, wasn't that guy who was on two and a half men bipolar? he was well funny, but quite mad'
It's not his fault, I feel for him, I really do. It's just another story that's going to add to the stigma of things like this.

Anyway, just wanted to get that off my chest to people who would understand where I'm coming from :)

macc noodle
14-03-11, 00:59
Hey Lizz - totally hear where you are coming from but to my mind what would be even worse would be if he were not bi-polar and that the cause of his behaviour was shall we say chemically induced?

I am not judging either way but it does worry me so much that the media appear to have latched onto "bi-polar" as the latest must have illness for celebrities.

For example, have you noticed how Kerry Katona is never ever mentioned as bi-polar now by her PR people? Yet when she was getting really bad press, it was because she was bi-polar - nothing at all to do with what she was shoving up her nose??

OMG, now I have got started on one too....................... :D

14-03-11, 01:15
Oh yes I totally agree, kerry's was apparently brought on by drugs. I saw her do an interview once where she was all 'I'm bipolar etc etc' but it was brought on by the drugs. And it can bring it on. I mean when I first started seeing my doc about everything I was asked if I was taking any illegal drugs. I'm not, never have, never will but they can bring on similar problems.
Either way the poor bloke needs help not the media pushing him on and even if he is bipolar or not, it's still not showing it in the best light.

macc noodle
14-03-11, 01:18
Totally agree hun xx

14-03-11, 03:05
Bi-polar........what a load of crap,just a thug with money,my ex old man now is claiming he has bi-polar(yeah right) that is just his excuse for the beatings and mental abuse I suffered in our so called marriage.Nothing wrong with Charlie,too much of the cocaine and alcohol is all that's wrong with him.

14-03-11, 03:49
As a reluctant-to-accept sufferer of bipolar disorder, I do not see him in that state at all, I think the volume of drugs mixed with alcohol and a high pressure lifestyle means he has cracked.

paula lynne
14-03-11, 10:00
The problem with Charlie Sheen, apart for his fondness for drink and drugs, is that this idiot has diplayed these distructive behaviours since he was in his early 20's....despite repeated advice he will not/does not want to change.....some people never learn. Im sorry, but if he is bipolar, he would want to at least try to manage this condition. Seems like cocaine as a drug of choice is too important for him to want to look after himself. Self-obsessed idiot.

14-03-11, 10:25
Totally agree with whoever said bipolar was in vogue. I feel like I lot of people are misdiagnosed these days, and a huge number of people seem to think they have it. The same with aspergus and ADD. I am one of two people in my household (not related) to have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and neither of us have mood swings! I also know somebody who's been diagnosed with aspergur's but actually has an acute understanding of social constructs, which he uses to his advantage - he is a narcissist using aspergur's as an excuse. Seems the press and, well maybe even doctors, seem a little too keen to slap labels on everything these days.

Sheen could be bipolar, he might not be, bipolar people may take illegal substances to self-medicate, but then he might just be an addict. I wouldn't worry about it anyway. If anything, bipolar is currently seen as quite a "cool" illness - all the kids want it nowadays! :)

(Sorry, that wasn't supposed to be offensive, obviously it's a serious illness, I just mean that it's quite "fashionable" to say you have it at the moment among celebrities and teenagers - which is offensive in itself! - so I don't think you need worry about the bad press)

14-03-11, 12:17
It's good to see so many different opinions!
Whatever he's on, he's going to crash and burn sooner or later.

Also, if any kids want this illness to be 'cool' they can take it off me, :roflmao: