View Full Version : Doctor is going to think I'm a crank!!

14-03-11, 08:34

I'm off to the doctors again this morning at 11am. I was only there last Wed about my anxiety but this right leg and back pain is really getting me down. What I need to explain is that it is the physical pain that is making me more anxious- I know that because I am anxious, my reaction to it may not be 'reasonable' but I can't go on like this.

Scared the doc is going to think I am a total time waster...just wish someone would give me some answers :weep:

I should be at work today but I've had such a crappy weekend with this pain I couldn't face it. Afraid there is something really wrong...:(

14-03-11, 08:43
Dont think you are a time waster. You are in pain and have every right to go to the doctors if it is not improving. I fully understand what you are saying as I am the same myself. If the pain is there it is only natural to be anxious about it especially if you dont know for certain whats causing. Dont worry and dont feel guilty about seeing the doctor as you need help and thats what they are paid to do. I used to tie myself in knots worrying about going to the docs and wasting their time, then if I didnt go, worrying that I should have gone. Good luck. Hope you get sorted out.

14-03-11, 09:38
Doctors understand that anxiety is an illness too. I know I get just as anxious about making an appointment as I do about going for something I am worried about. The receptionists probabley know my voice on the phone.

Don't worry though because it is their job and you are definatley not the only one who making frequent trips. Good luck x:)
ps where is spell check???

14-03-11, 09:50
Thanks peeps.

Would love to just wake up in the morning and feel great...does such a thing still exist? I'll let you know how I get on...

This fear is a horrible thing :( xx:scared15:

14-03-11, 10:47

I have been suffering with back pain and leg pain for quite some time. I wasn't sure if I should make myself an appointment, as I seem to be always at the drs with something.

The pain got too much and made an appointment, the dr thinks it is sciatica . Mind the past 2 or 3 days been having pain under my armpit, I never said anything. I think, they might think that im making something up.

Please go, the pain does feel totally real and if its affecting your work then. You need to get it checked out. Good luck with your appointment.


14-03-11, 10:51
Hi im the same,my gps are sick off me,i know they are..its my back/legs/knees and feet,i should have phoned to see someone today but im scared that either they will run tests :sofa:and find im dying or he'll shake his head and say its on in my head...i wish we could meet up somewhere and worry/cry and hug each other better.xx

14-03-11, 11:03
I've got sciatic nerve problems as well - it's not too bad during the day, but then can be really uncomfortable at night when I turn over in bed. It's a pain in the bum (literally!).

14-03-11, 11:21
Hi im the same,my gps are sick off me,i know they are..its my back/legs/knees and feet,i should have phoned to see someone today but im scared that either they will run tests :sofa:and find im dying or he'll shake his head and say its on in my head...i wish we could meet up somewhere and worry/cry and hug each other better.xx


My GP is sick of me too! When I call to book they recognise my voice, I reckon my notes must have a big fat 'nutter' stamped across them!!!

Sandy where do you live, I'd love to be able to come and give you that big hug you need. I'll send you a virtual one in the meantime :hugs:

K xx

14-03-11, 11:38
Hi,yip the receptionists at my surgery know my voice too,they must roll their eyes when they hear my voice..i stay in Dumfries..im on facebook alot..are you Kah? x

14-03-11, 11:41
Hi,yip the receptionists at my surgery know my voice too,they must roll their eyes when they hear my voice..i stay in Dumfries..im on facebook alot..are you Kah? x

Oh that's a shame I'm in Leicester. I've got a facebook account but don't go on that much. I'll pm you my details then you can add me as a friend (if you want to :blush:).

14-03-11, 11:44
Hey guys,

Me 2- would be good to meet with people who understand. Back from the docs...I have a referral for neurology but have to wait until the 8th June :weep::weep:. It seems like so long to wait with this worry hanging over me xx

14-03-11, 11:49
Hey guys,

Me 2- would be good to meet with people who understand. Back from the docs...I have a referral for neurology but have to wait until the 8th June :weep::weep:. It seems like so long to wait with this worry hanging over me xx

Blimey that is a long wait but at least you have an appt and if your GP thought it was anything serious they'd have you in straight away.

K xx

14-03-11, 11:50
Ive just sent a request..im on Facebook all the time,but its the old happy me on there..where has she gone???:shrug:

14-03-11, 11:52
Ive just sent a request..im on Facebook all the time,but its the old happy me on there..where has she gone???:shrug:

Me too!!! No-one would have a clue, we're so used to trying to put on a brave face and hide how we are feeling - if only people knew :ohmy:

K xx

14-03-11, 11:53
Hey guys,

Me 2- would be good to meet with people who understand. Back from the docs...I have a referral for neurology but have to wait until the 8th June :weep::weep:. It seems like so long to wait with this worry hanging over me xx

What did he/she say?? did the examine you at all..its my back/legs and knees and feet,my pain moves.x

14-03-11, 11:58
Well, my fear is ms so I think that is the main motivation for her sending me. She said that pain in legs can be a back problem and caused by 'referred' pain. It can also cause pain in the feet. Also, tension and anxiety make it worse because you tense youe muscles without realising it x

14-03-11, 12:03
Well, my fear is ms so I think that is the main motivation for her sending me. She said that pain in legs can be a back problem and caused by 'referred' pain. It can also cause pain in the feet. Also, tension and anxiety make it worse because you tense youe muscles without realising it x

Whats "referred" pain..oh hell im panicking now..i'll have to go and see mine..MS doesnt scare me at all....i know all about it its the big c im scared off..i get tingly feet/toes..i will have to go and see my GP this week.x

14-03-11, 12:06
Referred pain is nothing to panic about. It just means that, the problem is in one place and the pain is in another. My mam had pain in her arm, but it was actually caused by a little bit of wear and tear in her neck, even though she didn't have any pain in her neck...

14-03-11, 12:42
I think, they might think that im making something up.

Just thought I'd add that I, and everyone I know in "real life" that has anxiety, has pain under their armpit. If you feel the tendon that attaches your arm to your chest (as in, underneath your shoulder at the front of your body, kind of) it'll probably feel a little sore. When you're anxious, you hunch your shoulders and pull your arms tight to you, which pulls this muscle/tendon (don't know what it is!) tight and makes it ache.

Just in case this helps anyone.

Anyway, I always get really nervous about going to a doc because I worry I'm wasting their time, but if you need to go you need to go and the docs I've been to have always been kind.

Good luck at the neurologist, don't worry, you'll probably find out it was all anxiety :)

14-03-11, 15:31
I'm going to the docs in 30 mins! the receptionists usually recognise my voice and it makes you feel crap! I too imagine my notes have 'loon' across the top that everyone can see when they book my appointment.

However Drs do have a duty of care .... no matter how absurd you think your problem is it is still a problem to YOU. So go to the docs. They are supposed to make you feel at ease so you could tell them anything!

Sandy40 - I travel through Dumfries alot as my parents live on the west coast. Love the area :) I'm also on Facebook. If you'd like to be FB buddies just let me know!
take care all

14-03-11, 16:13
Thanks for the post Jools xx

14-03-11, 16:20
Just thought I'd add that I, and everyone I know in "real life" that has anxiety, has pain under their armpit. If you feel the tendon that attaches your arm to your chest (as in, underneath your shoulder at the front of your body, kind of) it'll probably feel a little sore. When you're anxious, you hunch your shoulders and pull your arms tight to you, which pulls this muscle/tendon (don't know what it is!) tight and makes it ache.

Just in case this helps anyone.

Anyway, I always get really nervous about going to a doc because I worry I'm wasting their time, but if you need to go you need to go and the docs I've been to have always been kind.

Good luck at the neurologist, don't worry, you'll probably find out it was all anxiety :)

Crikey i get pain under my left armpit regulary . Thats one reason they sent me to the Hospital for a scan of the lymph node .
Thanks for the post :D