View Full Version : Help! Worried about coating on tongue!

14-03-11, 10:56
Hello everyone. I have a thick white coating on my tongue that has been there for about 7 days. I'm very concerned that this could be Oral Thrush as I googled it (yes I know...silly me!) and the first thing that came up was HIV. I am so freaked out at the moment! I recently finished a course of very strong antibiotics (that was about 12 days ago) and prior to that I also took some other antibiotics (3 days only) for a urinary tract infection. Do you think that it could be the antibiotics that caused this as I don't recall having this prior to taking them. I also take Commit Lozenges occassionally as I have quit smoking and I'm wondering whether these can cause this as well?
Very worried! I need some reassurance please. Thank you.

14-03-11, 11:01
There are all sorts of things that can cause a coating on the tongue, from thrush to an upset stomach. As you've had strong antibiotics recently, then thrush could be the issue. Try going to your local pharmacy and sticking your tongue out at the pharmacist(!), as I'm sure they'll be able to tell you what it is.

14-03-11, 11:40
Thanks blueangel. Just wondering if anyone else has had the same??

14-03-11, 16:48
Try not to worry, Angelique. Thrush is a very common side effect of taking antibiotics and it can soon be cleared up by sucking on some lozenge type tablets. They can be prescribed by the doctor if you want a proper diagnosis but as Blueangel says, the pharmacist should be able to tell by looking at your tongue. Good luck, T x

14-03-11, 20:52
Hi Angelique. Please try not to worry hon. I have had a fear of oral thrush in the past...still do sometimes. I often have a coated tongue but it tends to just be from dehydration or a minor bug (flu, cold etc). I once even had a little white line which turned out to be nothing and just went of its own accord. Antibiotics are known for causing thrush so if it is thrush then that would be the cause. Nothing to worry about :)

Moonlight Xxx

14-03-11, 21:04
Hi Angelique,

I went through this exact worry, and it was nothing, the doctor and dentist told me a white coating can be normal or you can get some degree of thrush from certain medications or from any infection.

Try not to worry x

15-03-11, 00:26
OH HUNNY ME TOO. and it does not go away unless i brush!!.. you googled didnt you? thats what i did and its been 3 years and here i am still freaking out. im sorry you feel this way. i cannot tell you not to worry because i still do and know that that FEAR does not go anywhere!! now the only thing i can say is do not google aids symptoms PLEASE!! you will driver yourself MAD .. hugs and kisses

15-03-11, 10:00
Thank you VERY MUCH everyone for your replies - I very much appreciate it. Knowing that others have had the same has made me feel abit better. I am still obsessing though and constantly looking at my tongue! I went to the chemist today and the pharmacist confirmed that it was oral thrush so he gave me some anti fungal drops which will help clear it. I have also googled (I can't help myself..) 'oral thrush following course of antibiotics' and yes you were all right - it can be caused by antibiotics. I didn't have oral thrush before I took antibiotics so I am trying now to really make myself believe that this is what caused it. Take care everyone and thank you again xxx

15-03-11, 12:21
It does sound like thrush, so glad you are taking the anti fungal drops. I had a really bad fungal infection on the palate of my mouth some months ago and my gums were inflammed and bleeding from it and that was all caused by having taken a course of antibiotics a little while before. I took something called Nyastin, which tasted quite nice :D

16-03-11, 09:49
Thanks Alabasterlyn. yes these are the drops that I bought yesterday. I've only used them a day but I haven't noticed any improvement as yet. I guess one day isn't long enough? How long did it take before you saw improvement? thank you xx