View Full Version : so very uspet. Breast lump

14-03-11, 12:21
hi all, 2 years ago when my son was 6 weeks old i found a lump in my boobs, it wasnt mobile & was about the size of a marble. I got a 2 week referral through & after the horror of a biopsy i was told it was a milk cyst. Yesterday in a different place i found another lump, ( im Breastfeeding my daughter still) its kind of the same but feels bigger than the last & it feels more like a mass. Went to the doctors today who agreed it needed a referal as it didnt hurt & then dropped the massive bombshell, that as im 23 im no longer allowed to be referred in 2 weeks, it could be up to 6 weeks before i get a referall. 6 weeks!!?:weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

i cannot stop crying, i do not care that its 'unlikely' to be cancer, the doctor has said it needs checking but yet i have to live with this anxiety & worry for over a month. I keep thinking thats it! my son & daughter are going to grow up without me :(

I cant afford to go private but i did phone to find out about prices & apparently i can be seen in 3 days :( x

14-03-11, 12:29
I completely understand...I have a referral to nuerology and have to wiat 3 months!! I'm sure that as you have had this problem before, it is nothing to worry about. I fit were, I'm sure they'd get you in quicker. Try not to worry :hugs:

14-03-11, 12:44
arr hun im not gonna say dont worry because everyone in your situation would be sick with worry. You put you can afford to go private if you can i would do that i also think if the doctor thought anything serious he would get you in asap, its totally shite that you cant be seen asap espially with the fact you have a history of health anxiety, i know my friend has the same thing when she was feeding and also another whilst pregnant right now but that doesnt help you. Inbox me if you want to chat hope everything works out ok for you xxx

14-03-11, 12:54
Hi Tash,

Again I can't say don't worry because when I have been in your shoes I have worried no matter what anyone has said.

But given your age and the fact that you are breastfeeding the odds are really on your side.

When I was last at the breast clinic I had to wait a month and the only way I could cope was to come on here and read through all of the other posts about breast lumps and tried to keep busy with other things at home.

I know how horrible it feels I really do and i'm so sorry you are having to go through it all again.

You know we are all on here to help you through - it will be fine love I promise

Love and hugs


14-03-11, 15:17
thanks all, Sorry Rebecca it was a typo it should be i cant afford to go private! pooooooo! xx

14-03-11, 15:30

Where do you live? It's just that, when I had a breast lump last year, my doctor told me that it was an automatic 2 week wait to be seen. The only way I think that could have changed is if now non-urgent referrals have a longer wait time. I think you should clarify this with your doctor and, if you are not happy, ask to be seen by another doctor!

I am sure that, if your doctor really felt that it was an urgent case, they would have referred you sooner. It is not to do with age. I know it is so hard to wait. Go and talk to your doctor again if you can to put your mind at rest a little.

14-03-11, 19:01
HI JO, i was told it was my age purely that was stopping me being seen within 2 weeks. The funding has been pulled for under 35's to go on the 2 week referal ( very recent change)

What upset me if if i was 35 she said i would hve been seen in 2 weeks. Its not unheard of of a 23 year old to have BC yes unlikely but possible. I spoke to my usual doctor after & he confirmed it. x

14-03-11, 20:18
Surely though if your GP was concerned they would have made an urgent referral? I would like to think if they had the slightest suspiscion of anything sinister it wouldn't be left that long:hugs:

14-03-11, 21:07
Hi Tash,

thats awful, as bloxy says, im sure they would have had to refer you asap if they suspected anything bad. Thats awful for you though. Hopefully you wont be waiting the six weeks.


16-03-11, 12:07
I don't know of this is an option but I was referred last year to a breast clinic and everything proved to be ok but due to the joy of getting the all clear I didn't ask questions which i then spent the next few months thinking about. Anyway I rang direct to the breast clinic and explained that I wanted to ask the consultant questions regarding my referral and they offered me an appointment to see him that week - not the correct procedure but as you have been seen at a breast clinic before it might be worth a go?

I think its awful that any woman has to wait six weeks for a lump to be checked - I hope and pray you get an appointment asap not because I think you have anything to worry about but because the worry of what could be is the worst thing in the world xxx

16-03-11, 18:40
Thats crap that you have to wait all that time . I got a 2 week referal for a lypmh node to be checked and that was considered non urgent , i thought this 2 week rule was for everyone , obviously not .

Sorry you have such a long wait :blush: