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View Full Version : Made doctor appointment about abdomen - scared now

14-03-11, 12:34
Well I have been coping better than normally over past 3.5 weeks since symptoms started but I know I am reassuring myself it might be nothing rather than dealing with it and although I am outwardly coping brilliantly for me, my health concern is the first though each day and last at night and is on my mind all day :(

I posted about burping and abdomen pain 2 weeks ago and had just been given omeprazole. Lots of lovely replies and pm's but I know there is something still wrong. My main issues are constant burping (rather than heartburn) and tabs have not stopped this - on day 19 now. I also have cramps in tummy but mostly right hip and also from below bellly button on right hand side into groin (all day every day). Bowel habit slightly looser and thinner - going twice not once a day - sorry tmi!

I go from thinking pulled muscle nr hip (but it is 4 wks since I twisted funny) and the rest is anxiety to it being liver damage or bowel, liver, ovarian or stomach cancer. My attempt at coping by Reading posts on here each day has helped and I am functioning ok but now made appt I am petrified. I see lots of tests ahead and scarey waiting and an awful diagnosis.

Roll on tomorrow in a way ... But so stupidly scared ...

14-03-11, 12:58
Just wanted to say that I bet everything will be fine and you will be feeling better in no time.



14-03-11, 13:14
Anxiety can cause all of your symptoms so try not to worry and think positively! Good luck at the Dr's a do let us know how you get on. :flowers:

14-03-11, 18:10
Have to reply because I have similar pain - heat radiating from my ovaries into my hip and my bottom. I am also have bad leg pain - not in one place - changes from top to behind the knee and right now in my ankle. I think it is all tied in. I have been to the docs and have a scan this week. Anyway - good luck and let me know how you get on.

btw - this is my third week too.:blush:

14-03-11, 23:54
Thank you for the kind words - I know I need to see dr as only they can properly reassure me - just worried that once I do I have to face it all with tests etc. Think he can't really say for certain without doing tests but know I will be in a state if he refers me :( this ha sucks! Sorry to hear you are going through similar Amber. What kind of scan are you having? Will you get info the same day? My abdomen is so sore - keep rubbing it like when pregnant and feels so bloated and not right. pain is likr cramps and period pains but on one Side and sometimes a stabbing pain. Only time it is ok is when I am asleep! Good luck with scan let us know how you get on. Xx

15-03-11, 21:18
how did it go ?

16-03-11, 00:02
Well been to see lovely Dr - mine Is a large practice and it is normally very hit and miss who you get. I actually managed to request this dr when I booked yesterday. Not sure if others do but I get anxious about going to doctors as build it up and then worry I won't say what I need to or they won't undestand etc. Decided to get appt with him, even if had to wait a few days as he has always reassured me in the past when I have seen him, apart from time he referred me to breast clinic. And the fact he has referred me previously makes me think he won't just say I am ok if he is not sure.

Anyway he said he thinks pain in hip could still be muscular and that burping is some acid reflux - other symptoms may be part of reflux, from muscular issue or caused as side effect of omeprazole or anxiety or may need investigating further :( however he felt my abdomen and said cannot feel anything obvious and he said he really does not think anything sinister. He also listened to my abdomen which I think was because I mentioned feeling pulse there but did not comment so I assume all ok there.

He has changed my tabs to something beginning with L. Sorry prescription is in the car... I have to do a urine sample to rule out infection as said keep wanting to wee and feel bloated. He has also said if still have symptoms to go back and see him in 10 days.

So not a total answer - but feel a little more positive and think he actually cares. Thanks everyone for support - it really does help xxx

16-03-11, 00:20
Well I have been coping better than normally over past 3.5 weeks since symptoms started but I know I am reassuring myself it might be nothing rather than dealing with it and although I am outwardly coping brilliantly for me, my health concern is the first though each day and last at night and is on my mind all day :(

I posted about burping and abdomen pain 2 weeks ago and had just been given omeprazole. Lots of lovely replies and pm's but I know there is something still wrong. My main issues are constant burping (rather than heartburn) and tabs have not stopped this - on day 19 now. I also have cramps in tummy but mostly right hip and also from below bellly button on right hand side into groin (all day every day). Bowel habit slightly looser and thinner - going twice not once a day - sorry tmi!

I go from thinking pulled muscle nr hip (but it is 4 wks since I twisted funny) and the rest is anxiety to it being liver damage or bowel, liver, ovarian or stomach cancer. My attempt at coping by Reading posts on here each day has helped and I am functioning ok but now made appt I am petrified. I see lots of tests ahead and scarey waiting and an awful diagnosis.

Roll on tomorrow in a way ... But so stupidly scared ...

OMG this is like looking back at myself a few weeks or so ago from every symptom you have described that was me i spent nearly everyday at the doctors or the A&E because i thought (still do now n then) think something major is wrong with me that the doctor is missing the constant burning i was getting just below my ribs and could travel right down to by my belly button felt like a raw burning scratching feeling, abdomen cramps/ spasms/ bloated full feeling/or a feeling that food was stuck/lodged just below my ribs, hip pains. burning throat, constant trying to burp, feeling like acid or wind spinning round my stomach, god the list could go on and i was always in pain i got to the point were i couldn't eat even now i still get scared to eat in case i end up in pain so i have had my doctor up the wall (seriously) I've had every tests under the sun, been examined / bloods/ x-rays / ultrasound and am having a scope done on tue :weep: not looking forward to that but its the final test all the others came back negative and doc had said i am suffering from IBS once this camera is done on tue i no this will come back just as acid and plus ibs and i will have to learn to live with the pains and burning etc,,, but all these tests etc don't stop me worrying like tonight i have had bad burning in throat & all above my belly button but its my own fault i drank pure orange stupid thing to do :( other thing;s that kick it off for me is some chocolate's, pastries, sausage rolls, cakes (all the things i love ) but like i said its all trail and error all people are different you will get there though just try not to worry as i find the more anxious and worried i get the worse it plays up x

18-03-11, 23:59
Hi Flumpkin

Its lansoprazole ? (spelling) . What mg ..30 ??
Don,t expect wonders in ten days , mine took months to get at a certain level , the burping ,burning , cramps etc ...if your anxiuos the meds take longer to work as your pumping out acid , this is my doctor speaking not me :D
The ppi meds take awhile to kick in aswell . For the first time in 4 months although mine is 80 % better than when it started .....its not perfect but i get days when it almost is . It will get there but it takes longer than the drs say imho .


19-03-11, 00:03
Hey Honeypie ........pure orange juice :ohmy: i,d have heartburn and the two bob bits for a week if i drank that !

Try the red top milk instead it puts the fire out . :yesyes:

19-03-11, 00:15
or Milk of Magnesia, it should help with acid and its a laxative.

19-03-11, 00:55
Hi Mate

Yes thats a much better option . My Doc told me you can,t really have to much of that as it just works as a laxative like you say .

20-03-11, 00:37
Hi Mel - yes it is that med (still can't remember and in bed and can't check) but yes 30mg. I think my abdomen is slightly better still odd cramps but not all day as before and fluttery feeling has gone. Burping however is now so much worse - more often and bigger. Maybe as missed a day in between changing the meds? Reassuring though that you say takes longer than 10 days. I hate it when docs tell me that kind of thing as almost reluctant to take as worry what if not better in 10 days which makes me anxious - can't win, silly vicious circle! Xx