View Full Version : Sick and Tired of feeling Sick and Tired!

14-03-11, 15:19
Hello everyone on the forum. Nice to see that there is a large community out there for people like me/us who are suffering at the moment.

ill keep this as quick as possible, but theres a few things to get through so bear with me!

Have always had some degree of anxiety throughout my life, my dad also has it. But a few incidents over the last year or so have pushed this upwards, particularly with regard HAnxiety.

Began with Coming off ADs (tried a whole bunch including SSI/SSRI etc, all with debilating side effects). Coming off these was also hard and i had a plethora of withdrawal effects including dizzyness, headaches and tiredness. Managed to master this after some months but then....

1.) Began having chest pains quite badly in January which had been initially diagnosed as reflux. I took PPIs which seem to stem things a bit, but again had bad side effects so resorted to Zantac to just keep the lid on things. Currently having quite bad nausea in the am, sometimes all day, no throwing up tho. My doc is investigating, i have ultrasound next week.

2.)In addition the doc, having run some bloods for ulcers etc found a "low" reading on a kidney test, (i have only the one from birth). They are currently investigating further via urine test.

3.) I have also had a rather nasty bout of tendonitis in my knee, which meant id been off work for a week trying to ice it and reduce swelling - this is under control at the moment, but it still hurts a fair bit.

4.) I have also had Sinusitis, which i get every month or so. I get antibiotics which works some degree but then seems to flair up again - headache, tiredness etc comes with it.

5.) in addition, just by coincidence ive had three colds and the flu since xmas. Which ive now got over.

I suppose this is more of a vent more than anything! What it amounts to is that, particularly at night, i find myself worrying myself senseless about some of these things (not the leg or sinuses particularly) thinking is this all adding up to something more major? or am i just going mad!

I end up not being able to sleep sometimes as my worry starts anxiety attacks (heart pounding, breathing issues etc).

During the day things are more manageable, but at night i do get very frightened. I know my anxiety is exaggerating things, and i must say i am (:noangel: a googler (not a good thing i know). Any help or advice is always gratefully received.!

Anyway thanks for letting me rant on!


14-03-11, 15:43
Hello everyone on the forum. Nice to see that there is a large community out there for people like me/us who are suffering at the moment.

ill keep this as quick as possible, but theres a few things to get through so bear with me!

Have always had some degree of anxiety throughout my life, my dad also has it. But a few incidents over the last year or so have pushed this upwards, particularly with regard HAnxiety.

Began with Coming off ADs (tried a whole bunch including SSI/SSRI etc, all with debilating side effects). Coming off these was also hard and i had a plethora of withdrawal effects including dizzyness, headaches and tiredness. Managed to master this after some months but then....

1.) Began having chest pains quite badly in January which had been initially diagnosed as reflux. I took PPIs which seem to stem things a bit, but again had bad side effects so resorted to Zantac to just keep the lid on things. Currently having quite bad nausea in the am, sometimes all day, no throwing up tho. My doc is investigating, i have ultrasound next week.

2.)In addition the doc, having run some bloods for ulcers etc found a "low" reading on a kidney test, (i have only the one from birth). They are currently investigating further via urine test.

3.) I have also had a rather nasty bout of tendonitis in my knee, which meant id been off work for a week trying to ice it and reduce swelling - this is under control at the moment, but it still hurts a fair bit.

4.) I have also had Sinusitis, which i get every month or so. I get antibiotics which works some degree but then seems to flair up again - headache, tiredness etc comes with it.

5.) in addition, just by coincidence ive had three colds and the flu since xmas. Which ive now got over.

I suppose this is more of a vent more than anything! What it amounts to is that, particularly at night, i find myself worrying myself senseless about some of these things (not the leg or sinuses particularly) thinking is this all adding up to something more major? or am i just going mad!

I end up not being able to sleep sometimes as my worry starts anxiety attacks (heart pounding, breathing issues etc).

During the day things are more manageable, but at night i do get very frightened. I know my anxiety is exaggerating things, and i must say i am (:noangel: a googler (not a good thing i know). Any help or advice is always gratefully received.!

Anyway thanks for letting me rant on!


am in the same boat as you feeling awful just sick of feeling sick & tired etc.. had all horrible pains & put on omeprazole for acid doc done all tests n like you even a ultrasound (nothing could b seen)
also i dont sleep and if i do am awake every hour without doubt heart pounding / sweating etc and now i have started getting bad watery mouth which doc says is just the acid causing this but am just so scared 24/7 and am just not getting any rest at all i hate the way we have to be going through this :weep:

14-03-11, 16:01
Hi Honeyp1e,

Im sorry to hear that you are struggling also, its hard isnt it.

There are a couple of things that ive found to help me sometimes. One is to try and go to the gym (although my leg is trying to prevent that at the moment!), as this makes me tired enough to sleep a bit better.

I also take a herbal supplement called Rhodiola Rosea, which does seem to give me a bit of a brighter disposition sometimes. Also i find watching something funny in the evening, funny enough to make me laugh also helps a wee bit.

I dont have the watery mouth, but I do have plhegm and a chest "rattle" which may or may not be the acid. Its eucchh generally but worse at night.

I hope you get some answers soon, or if there arent any to be had that you find some more peace and mind space.:)

14-03-11, 19:10
I just keep hoping that it is something they can cure but i don't want it to be anything major as if it does just turn out as acid then i have to learn to live with it and right now i cant live with the anxiety never mind anything else still have watery mouth / trembles etc i just can't cope anymore i feel like giving up

14-03-11, 21:27
Yup here I am at night time worrying again. Stomach hurts, off my food somewhat and constant burps that don't provide relief. Fed up of it and want to scream... But we gotta find some strength to get through it. Fingers crossed it's either just acid for both of us or something easily fixed.

I feel like giving up sometimes, but we can't let anxiety win!