View Full Version : So scared and down...

14-03-11, 15:56
Hey everyone,

Having a really bad day. So convinced that I have MS..keep trying to remember if I felt like this before I was anxious. Doc has referred me to neurology as she knows that this fear has taken a hold of me but it is a long wait :weep:.
I've just spent nearly an hour browsing a forum for carers of people with ms because I'm so convinced I have it and am worried about the effect on my other half.
I want my life back :weep::weep:

14-03-11, 16:10
What makes you think you have it? What symptoms do you have?

14-03-11, 16:13
Well, I get burning/icy sensations in the toes of my right foot, intermittent pain in my right leg, back pain, have had tingling in fingers, twitches (which I know are common), sometimes I get a weird feeling in my face- almost like it is numb, but I know it isn't as if I prod it with a pen I can still feel it....:(

14-03-11, 16:17
Just sounds like anxiety symptoms to me. Are you having problems such as going to grab a door handle and completely missing it? Have you become clumsy? Suffering abdominal spasms/pain? Impaired vision? Is there a history of MS in the family?

I really think its just your anxiety to be honest, chin up. :)

14-03-11, 16:22
No, no coordination problems...yet. I did have a couple of incidences of blind spots in my left eye about two years ago, but I also had a headache after. Went for an eye test and she said migraines, nothing since. No abdominal spasms. Although I sometimes get pelvic pain- they think it is something to do with my hips :shrug:. The feeling in my toes stops when I am warm, like in the bath or something. I'm so fed up of this fear...keep quizzing my other half to see if he'd leave me if I had it!! He says he is going to have an 'ms swear box' that I have to put £1 everytime I say ms! I just keeping panicking that it isn't anxiety! Defo don't think the leg pain is, although I know that could be lots of things. When will it get better?
Thanks for the post xx

14-03-11, 16:24
Listen Pan9,my son has MS he is 7 years old..he diagnosed at 5..private message me if you want,i know its your fear,mines is "you know what"...i dont think you have MS,isnt it "funny" if i was told i had MS id be cool about it as it wont kill me and take me away from my kids..i know i cant make you feel anybetter as your fear is too much,but try and calm down..i think your GP is doing to put your mind as ease.x

14-03-11, 16:33
Thanks for the info Sandy- have pm'd you. I'm trying not do...good days an bad days. I wonder if anyone else has this fear? x
Also get dreadful headaches and feel light-headed x

14-03-11, 18:27
Just sounds like anxiety symptoms to me. Are you having problems such as going to grab a door handle and completely missing it? Have you become clumsy? Suffering abdominal spasms/pain? Impaired vision? Is there a history of MS in the family?

I really think its just your anxiety to be honest, chin up. :)

Ok, so now I am freaking out, the last week or so I've noticed on many occasions that I've gone to grab a kitchen cupboard handle and have completely missed! My fingers don't seem to want to work properly, they feel strange, as does my left foot and I have pains in my legs. I woke with a stiff neck on Thursday and can still feel it now, not as bad but that's a long time to have a stiff neck!!

I'm seeing my GP in the morning but don't know how to describe the feelings in my fingers/hands. They feel odd - not numb and not pins & needles somewhere inbetween. I've also got a constant ringing in my right ear :weep:

So scared
K xx

14-03-11, 18:40
i had the ringing in my ears yesterday!! i never get that..my arms are weak too and im always dropping things my other half says its because im left-handed..i need to see my gp too..oh yikes.x

14-03-11, 19:14
i had the ringing in my ears yesterday!! i never get that..my arms are weak too and im always dropping things my other half says its because im left-handed..i need to see my gp too..oh yikes.x

I've never had the ringing in ears either, it's horrible!! I also feel really nauseous and dizzy. Dreading seeing my GP, just because I'm scared he'll not take me seriously and I'll come home worrying that he's missed something.

K xx

14-03-11, 19:18
When i go..im only going to see the good one..i want him to say oh its just blah blah..but he'll do bloods and scan or something then i'll crack up even more..:whistles:

14-03-11, 19:27
When i go..im only going to see the good one..i want him to say oh its just blah blah..but he'll do bloods and scan or something then i'll crack up even more..:whistles:

I'm the opposite. I'd rather my GP do tests but he probably won't - he'll just say it's anxiety (again!!) and I'll come home and carry on worrying.

14-03-11, 19:29
i get clumsy too and it cna be a sighn of anxiety! so ive been told by therapists etc your mind is under so much pressure with your anxiety.

i was driving today and got anxious and idnt even no i don it shut mey eyes for too long and opeed them and was other side of road scared me half to death but not its just anxiety, wont be driving for a while though lol

Chris hill
14-03-11, 22:23
Hello again ,you still feeling bad me too.

14-03-11, 22:30

I kinda felt better for a nano-second, then it came back. Sorry to hear you're feeling bad again :( x