View Full Version : Never fully Relaxed..experiences?

14-03-11, 17:52
Hi everyone this is my first post on this website. I wanted to share my feelings of anxiety and see if anyone else experiences them the way I do. I feel like my excessive worrying doesn't let me do anything, I always feel guilty if I do the least wrong thing, if I don't hold the door for someone, I will think I am going to get struck with bad karma, or if I ignored the sample lady at the supermarket because I was to shy to say anything, also this happened about a month ago, I lied about a a date of an event by accident, I had thought the date was one day, and when I realized what I had said I was worried that the person would think I was a liar and a dishonest person, even though I lied without knowing I lied. I felt anxious the whole week, they would find out, so I couldn't wait until I would see them again to casually tell them I made a mistake with the date. I know that sounds ridiculous, but does anyone worry about the tiniest things, so tiny that you family might even find it ridiculous and gets tired of reassuring you everything will be okay. Sorry for this being so long, thank you for any responses. Jen 18

14-03-11, 20:11
sorry btw if my anxieties come across as a little ridiculous.