View Full Version : Tips please - so anxious can't calm down

14-03-11, 18:21
Hi guys

My b/f is taking Anti depressants so at the moment as he has only been on them just over 1 week(at the high dose) his anxiety is sky high!

He is here now soooo anxious he just can't shake it off, he said almost feels like he needs a panic attack:huh:

What do you all do to help with this?


14-03-11, 18:43
hello ,
are you reading now Loops partner ?
I am going to send you a hug first ok ? .............and now mate listen to me even though I am on net .I and loads of us here care . we do .and we have been like you a lot of us honest x

hang on to that rope and with every fibre of your being hang on ...tie a mental knot and believe me .......you will get well again . you are so sad and suffering now ..........it feels too bad ............but listen to me love .......keep going .xx
let the pills do their work and it takes time unfortunately .
What I would do now is get a piece of paper and mark off every hour with a big red pen ...another hour gone towards wellness ...it works my love xxx
then perhaps a day will go by ...........some hours bad .........but others good .
but you are taking charge of this hell ok ? and you will see a progress slowly ............but believe me you will get back to your old self :hugs:
dont give up ............let the day wash over ..I recommend your fave music and a nice daft film ......drink plenty water ..eat yoghurts if tummy bad ....a a warm bath ......just say sod the world ....and try to concentrate on the warmth and the comfort of your bed .......the air around you.
just say to your head .......snowgoose is taking care of this tonight . I will x

14-03-11, 19:56
meds take a time to work but you will soon start to feel better soon

Hazel B
14-03-11, 20:21
Things that helped my anxiety:

Breathing slowly from your tummy when it's bad, it can slow down your heart rate
Distract yourself when it's bad: talk to someone, read a book, listen to music, take the dog for a walk etc etc.
Tell yourself that IT WILL PASS over and over, this helps your panic mechanism to feel more safe
I took Propranolol 40mg when I could not help myself and calm down, this stops the adrenaline panic response

Longer term changes include:

Stop smoking, caffeine and unhealthy food
Get counselling, I had talk type and it helped unblock my inner demons
Walk outside every day and see some nature and the weather, it helps your mind see the bigger picture and the seasons

Hope this helps a bit.

14-03-11, 22:25
Aww thanks so much all of you for the replies.

Trouble is he had a Diazpam at about 7pm but it didn't seem to work as well as normal, and now right before bed he is in a state again!

He has just taken his Mirtazipine and Olanzapine


14-03-11, 22:52
Things that helped my anxiety:

Breathing slowly from your tummy when it's bad, it can slow down your heart rate
Distract yourself when it's bad: talk to someone, read a book, listen to music, take the dog for a walk etc etc.
Tell yourself that IT WILL PASS over and over, this helps your panic mechanism to feel more safe
I took Propranolol 40mg when I could not help myself and calm down, this stops the adrenaline panic response

Longer term changes include:

Stop smoking, caffeine and unhealthy food
Get counselling, I had talk type and it helped unblock my inner demons
Walk outside every day and see some nature and the weather, it helps your mind see the bigger picture and the seasons

Hope this helps a bit.

i take propranolol 80mg and i don't see a difference well i don't feel my heart popping out my chest as much so i guess they are working in a way,,
you've talked about CHANGES and this is something i need to make
smoking - when am feeling panicky really bad i wont even touch one and this can be for days until am feeling better the first thing i do is light one up!
CAFFEINE - Ive cut down on this a lot i only have about 3-4 cups of decaf tea a day some-days none i put decaf here as i still think they have some caffeine in them,,
don't really have choc much anymore one bar once a week maybe none were i used to have loads of choc in one day
UNHEALTHY FOODS - i basically live on junk foods bread/biscuits.
COUNSELLING - I have had about 5-6 sessions now and tbh i don't find they help yes they get stuff off your chest but i can talk to any1