View Full Version : i keep making problems for myself?!?

14-03-11, 18:22
hi everyone,
i've been doing so well with my anxiety for a while, but lately i've been having really bad OCD thoughts, such as harming my cat which i would NEVER do as i love animals and also for some reason whenever any guy friend pops into my head i panic and start to worry whether i fancy them or not as i have a boyfriend?! is this normal for anxiety? i know i don't fancy anyone other than my boyfriend.
and for some reason i've been panicking that i'd finish my boyfriend which again i'd NEVER do as i love my boyfriend so much i just don't get why i'm getting thoughts like that.
i've had a hard time lately as i've just dropped out of college so i now have nothing to do with my day, is this a factor towards my worrying?
i get out twice a week to see my boyfriend and i love it but other days i'm stuck in worrying, i feel like i can't talk to anyone about it as it sounds so silly.
i'm very very happy in my relationship but i'm bored with doing nothing all day and feel like i have to worry about something.
what can i do to calm me down? xxx

14-03-11, 18:30
Hello miniholly;
I have had OCD thoughts for years. The best thing to do is to let those thoughts slip on your mind. They are just thoughts after all. You know that you would never do that. Sometimes I go deeper into those thoughts, I follow them and try to see where they lead me. It can make you uncomfortbale but the more you try to stop them, the more important they'll be. You have to learn to accept them, and they'll eventually vanish by themselves.

Hope it'll help you.

14-03-11, 18:34
If I were you, I would try and focus on something productive that can advance your spirit instead of remaining stagnant in a cycle of worrying. Don't depend on your boyfriend for your happiness, especially if it is only two days of the week lol, find something that makes you happy, if you are not in school anymore figure out why and figure out what you want to get out of your free time. You OCD seems to be related to extreme thoughts, thats just my observation, but I wouldn't know how to help on that aspect. Good Luck to you and I hope the responses of other pepople help you out as well. -Jen

14-03-11, 18:43
thank you both :)
i've recently applied to go do voluntary work in a hospice but its just waiting for them to ring or write to me to let me know when i start.
it's such a pain waiting, i just want to get out of the house and do things but not sure what as i can't really afford to go out and do the things i want to do xxx

14-03-11, 21:41
The best thing to do would obviously be to find employment, give you a reason to get up in the morning lol, it would also help to take your mind off your worries. Could be easier said than done with the country the way it is at the moment.

Failing that however, why not take a nice walk in the countryside? The weather was lovely today so I had a walk out and I've had a really good day. :)