View Full Version : Where do i go now?

14-03-11, 18:41
Hey guys
where do i start? okay, as ive mentioned on here before, i suffer with generalised anxiety disorder and have done for a good four years now. Im only 24 and its pretty much taken over my life and ruined 4 years of my life, not a day goes by without it.
Although i started having panic attacks and full on couldnt cope, now i have it fairly manageable, but somehow it manages to hit me when i least expect it.

Recently, a close friend had silent heart attacks and its estimated may not have long to live, and although i was gutted i thought i was handling it well, until i took a dizzy turn in town one day and got so anxious i had to call my dad who came and picked me up and brought me home. Since then ive had dizziness for 2 weeks off and on which i sometimes blame on my nerves and sometimes on my ears (they feel full and sometimes one is sore)

since then ive became paranoid about my health, sometimes feeling like i might die at any given moment and i am petrified. I read about a girl with Long QT Syndrome and became paranoid that i have that or any other heart condition that no-one knows about. Im paranoid to the extent im afraid to go to sleep at night, i dont know what to do or where to go right now, what im hoping you guys will tell me, is how you get over these feelings? because im finding it hard to cope with right now.

14-03-11, 20:14
I'm still trying to work out how to get over these feelings myself, so can't really give you the solution.

What I would say is that it is totally understandable that you could be feeling like this with what your friend is going through. Things like that can make us think about our own mortality and I know if I read or hear abour an illness I can sometimes convinve myself I'm suffering from the symptoms.

My advice would be to go and talk to your GP and tell them about how you are feeling and maybe ask to be referred for some CBT. This is the route I have been on for the past year and although it's been hard at times things are slowly getting better.

I also suffered initially from Generalised Anxiety Disorder which then led to HA. Your GP should be able to help you:hugs: