View Full Version : SO ANGRY!!!!!!

14-03-11, 19:21
im so angry with my doctors.

a while back i went to mydoctors for anxiety related issue and was basicaly made to feel like a waste of space since then i had a physciatric assemsent (or something) apparentky i didnt really need it but someone who works with my threapist thought i should due to the severity of my anxiety when i had bronchitis.

anyway the results of my phyisctaric assment was that i had generalised anxiety disorde/health anxiety.

they send they would send a report to my doctors for my medical records i told him the way i had been getting treated with my anxiety and how the bronchitits took 3 appointments as they just kept saying it was anxiety.

so today after over amonth since i last seen my doctors i needed to go back for totally un anxiety related issue. i was very anxiouin the surgery down to the fact that they were running 30 minutes late. but when i went into the office the doctor looked at me and said "whats a matter now"
i was totally lost for words couldnt believe it. i said to him its not anxiety related and tried to explan what i was feeling with horrendous headaches eye pains and the bigest thing deafness in one ear 9had problems with hearing) and i shout rather than alk and actually cnat hear my self properly lol he checked my ear said there was a build up of wax and said i had sinus problems.

sorry for the long post just so angry......cos when i was walking out he said your doing well blah blah bh.

the physicatrist said that they would have it put on my notes that they shgould treat me like any normal patient and asses me and listen to me like they would anyone else unless i was asking for reassurance ....I WAS NT ASKING FOR REASSURANCE SO WHY DO I GET THE ATTITUDE WHEN I GO IN SOOOOOO ANGRY

14-03-11, 19:30
This is absolutely outrageous!! I'm angry for you!! How dare he say something like that...he probably realised he was out of order and that's why he said you were doing well when you left! The cheek!! xx

14-03-11, 19:44
i feel like crying all ready really anxious latley de to my little on having a op tmoz and my sinus issues but why cant be treated like anormal patient LIFES NOT FAIR
feeling so alone and fed up of it all now

14-03-11, 19:48
That's why I hate going to the doctors, although I've never been treated so rudely to my face (I'm sure they just laugh when I'm gone lol!!!!).

You could make a complaint you know, anxiety is a medical condition and we shouldn't be made to feel so foolish and like we're wasting their precious time. I'd like them to live in our shoes for the day and then see if their sttitude changes :mad:

K xx

14-03-11, 19:48
:hugs:You're not alone so don't think that....we have all felt and do feel how you are feeling now. Try not to get to down about the sinuses- it'll clear up in a couple of days and you'll feel much better (physically at least). You should be treated like a normal patient- there is nothing abnormal about you. If you feel really strongly about it, enquire about the surgery's complaints procedure and say something. If you don't want to do this, how about seeing a different doctor at the practice next time? Don't let him make you feel bad...it was completely wrong what he did and very insensitive- it says more about him than it does you!! xxx Hugs:hugs:

14-03-11, 19:49
Ps- hope your little one is ok xxx

14-03-11, 19:53
I would be looking for a new doctor! Your doctor should be there for you, no matter how trivial he may think your problem is....he should not be judging and mocking you!

14-03-11, 20:09
yeah my litle one is having a day op but hes being put to sleep tmoz and i have a massive fear about it its horrid scared i will panic allthough my therapist has said i can ring up and someone will be there to help me if i do.
im going to complain on wed cos its not on i dont ask to have this and i was doing so much better, its not the first time like i said when i had bronchitis it took three appointments and i kept saying my chest isnt right an d they kept saying it was anxiety xx
thank you all xx

macc noodle
14-03-11, 20:16
Does your practice have a GP who has special interest in mental health? We have one at ours who is absolutely brilliant and passes no judgement on me when I visit - although she is really strict and if you dont do as she asks, she will let you know she is not best pleased - but I have found at all times she acts in my best interests.

It is hard enough suffering HA or GAD but to have your GP belittle your visits and dismiss them as anxiety based (which, in truth, the list of symptoms for anxiety do seem to be limitless :mad:) is an utter disgrace. I would definitely try and get a more sympathetic GP on side.

Hope all goes well tomoz with your little one xxxx

14-03-11, 23:51
My little one had an op 2 months ago....I felt the same way...was so anxious leading up to....I had a little cry when they put here under anaesthesia...but she was fine...came out of it ok...and recovered better than I imagined she would! Kids are resiliant....they bounce back much better and quicker than adults do!
Good Luck

15-03-11, 01:32
I had a doctor like that once. I kept going in for problems that got worse - numbness and burning sensations on my neck head face and migraines. She looked in her little black notebook and said "you need to see a psychologist" She gave me no hope, no medicine, nothing! So I did go see a therapist and do you know what he said? "You are having some anxiety but there is somthing medically wrong as well. Do not stop seeking medical attention!" I ended up having surgery on my neck and my problems went away. Never had the physical stuff again (7 years ago).

So doctors do make mistakes. And they should not "LABEL" you when you come into their exam room. If your doctor continues to make you feel bad about health concerns, find another one. I did.

15-03-11, 16:28
Hi scaredstiff, in my experience we must be our own doctor, as very little an "anxious person" presents with is taken seriously by a gp. It took 3 different doctors 8 months to realize I had bronchitis... I kept telling them I couldn't breathe properly :( "Oh no, it's just your anxiety".. oh no it's b***** not!!!! There were 2 doctors in the practice (who have since left) who looked down their noses at me every time I walked in... one said "ok you have exactly one minute"... aren't we supposed to have 5 minutes? :( I think personally they shouldn't be allowed to practice if they are rude, incompetent and arrogant... but that's just my view :)

15-03-11, 20:31
thanks guys im complaining tomorow and finding a new gp.
i no my brochitis was passed off as anxiety and i kept ringing out of hours docs and they said you have anxiety but you sound like you have a chest infection. it was the doctor from yesterday that saw me twice and dismissed me. and a different doctor that diagnoised me and gave me right antibotics my therapis kept saying you sound ill lol.
i understand that anxiety is hard but i think we should be tret like normal patients UNLESS the same problem which is geuine anxiety is being constantly asked. xxx

my little boy was fine today and i was so proud of him and me hosptals scare the hell out of me and i stayed quite calm my hubby commentated for a very rare time lol and said well done to me...allthough i couldnt be their when he was put to sleep well i tried but he sensed i was on edge and wouldnt let go and kept crying so they had to get my husband in.

sometimes my kids react to me cos im the sensitive one lol xx