View Full Version : Pressure in head

14-03-11, 20:06
Hi anyone out there had this pressure feeling in head makes me really anixious feels like all blocked in my head also have a feeling like a lift droping sensation. aww really got to me even tho been suferring from aniexty for over 5 years.

14-03-11, 20:38
Yes me too...now as a matter of of speaking ive felt ok all day.But now the pressure in my head is back :\ Not sure myself why i get it but im not going to google it as it only makes me feel worse...sorry to hear you have been suffering 5 years oxoxo

15-03-11, 00:11
This could be a form of tension headache. I get them from time to time, sometimes worse than others either when I'm really stressed or/and when I'm very tired. They come out as an all over pressure and the pain can be mild or quite bad.

15-03-11, 14:36
This is weird....I was just about to post something about my head pressure too! I've had anxiety for 4 years now and the pressure in my head started during my pregnancy. I told my OB about it and he said it's just me....nothing physical. But it always makes me worry that I'm going to pass out or that it's an issue with high blood pressure (my bp is normal, just a fear that I have). Then I read that it could be hyperventilation, but I'm not panicking! This happens every day. I wake up feeling fine and then within a few hours, the pressure starts. I always thought it was my allergies or sinuses, but xanax relieves it, so it must be anxiety. I just wish it would go away. If anybody has any tips on how to get rid of it, please let us know!

15-03-11, 16:40
I've had this for the past few days. Mine feels like someone is pressing really hard on the top of my head, forcing pressure into my forehead. I've also got blurred vision, dizziness and feel very nauseous, presumably from the headache.

I've had tension headaches before that have been directly related to my anxiety and so am treating this as the same.

K xx

15-03-11, 18:08
this is exactly what i have had for just over 2 yrs now.....i still find it hard to accept thats its anxiety, but after this long what else can it be??? kah i also get vision problems and dizziness.

debs x

19-03-11, 22:37
hey i aslo have had pressure on head and its gets so bad were i cnt lift my head up of the bed it just feels so heavy ...i had ct scan done all clear ...well guess what i still have it so i went to nero doc and they said he will do a MRI i go next thursday iam hopeing and praying that they will find out what is causeing this and make it go away ...ive had this for 8 stright months ...wish all of u the best and if i come up with any news ill post it here ...

Gabby"Anxiety" Perez
21-03-11, 01:25
I been having the same problem for a little over 3 years now.The doctors tell me it is sinus/anxiety/stress/tension so I havent really found out the cause but I know for me it all started when I got the Gardasil shots and the day after I got this unusual cold and my nose was bleeding on and off for a few days and the doctor gave me medicine and it didnt seem to help so I started googling my symptoms and they got 100 times worse so I called the doc again and got different meds which did not help either and he gave me steroids which landed me in the ER cause I thought I was going crazy and ever since than I think I have horrible health anxiety and I google my every symptom and go to the ER and doctors so often and even changed my doctor a few times just to get a second opinion.And what usually scares me is the tight feeling in the head because it lats for months sometimes!!!

21-03-11, 14:29
I'm having the same problem, I've been getting it daily and it stops me from doing a lot of things.
It's sort of like a sudden headache but it feels like it's kind of on the outside.
My skin feels tight around my temples and forehead, bridge of my nose feels heavy, the back of my neck where my skull meets my spine feels tight and sore, I feel like somebody has their hands on either side of my head and is squeezing.
I've tried hot water bottles, exercises, fresh air, lots of different foods/kalms/bach's/nurofen tablets/rubs and nothing relieves it!
It can be crippling!

04-04-11, 01:35
well i didnt make it for my mri on my head for the head pressure....i went and i got so sceard it was to closed in ..so i called the doc and he is getting me in for a open mri i cant wait iam so stressed over the head pressure i could just cry....has anyone on here that has found any answers for head pressure yet if so please let me no

05-04-11, 17:25
Thanks guys it really is a pain also feels like something is pulling me back aswell stops me from doing a lot same days it does some days it dosent xx