View Full Version : Fear about dvt /pe

anx mum
14-03-11, 21:10
Really worried again getting pain in left calf had a leg scan end of feb which showed nothing, also still getting horrid pains in chest like burning and sharp. Worried now about a pe can anyone help?

14-03-11, 21:17
You've had all the tests done and they have come back negative. So I doubt it will be that! Are you getting much exercise? The leg pains could be from not doing much or doing too much! I get leg pain all the time!

The burning pain is acid keep on with the gaviscon it will improve eventually when your anxiety gets better as anxiety makes it worse!

You have to try to stop worrying hun!


anx mum
14-03-11, 21:27
You've had all the tests done and they have come back negative. So I doubt it will be that! Are you getting much exercise? The leg pains could be from not doing much or doing too much! I get leg pain all the time!

The burning pain is acid keep on with the gaviscon it will improve eventually when your anxiety gets better as anxiety makes it worse!

You have to try to stop worrying hun!


Had a chest ct scan 10days ago but really worried now as got calf pain and chest pain do u think it cos im worrying?

anx mum
14-03-11, 21:45
Really worried again getting pain in left calf had a leg scan end of feb which showed nothing, also still getting horrid pains in chest like burning and sharp. Worried now about a pe can anyone help?

Anyone had a dvt in leg scared now pain in calf not red or swollen

14-03-11, 21:48
I really do doubt you have one, I don't think you'd be typing on here if you did. On a scale of one to ten, ten being the worst pain possible, what would you say it is?

anx mum
14-03-11, 21:52
I really do doubt you have one, I don't think you'd be typing on here if you did. On a scale of one to ten, ten being the worst pain possible, what would you say it is?

Would say about 8 hun just hurts dont think its swollen or red can walk on it just really aches

14-03-11, 21:59
OK if its not swollen, it's not red and you can walk on it I would reckon you are fine - try and distract yourself hun. How's all the hospital/doctor stuff going, is someone still in and out every day to help? Make sure they know how much this is affecting you, you need the help as this must be exhausting for you x

anx mum
14-03-11, 22:01
OK if its not swollen, it's not red and you can walk on it I would reckon you are fine - try and distract yourself hun. How's all the hospital/doctor stuff going, is someone still in and out every day to help? Make sure they know how much this is affecting you, you need the help as this must be exhausting for you x

yeah somene comes everyday cos anxiety is sky high at mo this time has been awful. Howr u?

14-03-11, 22:07
Not too too bad, struggling to keep on top of uni work and in and out of doctor's/hospital but not due to anxiety for once.. Though there are things that are bothering me but more along the lines of OCD as opposed to health anxiety - things that I haven't really told GP about so trying to pluck up the courage to talk to her properly this week! Good to hear, is it helping you at all? We had similar when I was a lot younger, my mum was ill for a long time with agorophobia and epilepsy, carers etc used to come round to help quite a lot. Helped mum a lot having someone there for support.

anx mum
15-03-11, 19:23
Not too too bad, struggling to keep on top of uni work and in and out of doctor's/hospital but not due to anxiety for once.. Though there are things that are bothering me but more along the lines of OCD as opposed to health anxiety - things that I haven't really told GP about so trying to pluck up the courage to talk to her properly this week! Good to hear, is it helping you at all? We had similar when I was a lot younger, my mum was ill for a long time with agorophobia and epilepsy, carers etc used to come round to help quite a lot. Helped mum a lot having someone there for support.

Been to a&e today with this pain in my calf been in agony doc had a quick look at it and said it wasent swollen or red so didnt think it was a dvt. Feel like there fobbing me off really scared.

15-03-11, 19:28
Don't think they are fobbing you off at all; they're being very helpful. Trust me if it was a DVT you would know and so would they, you'd be very sore, red and inflamed. Doctors have to be so so careful because of the consequences if they arent, there are so many tests etc that they simply must do. You've had quite a few different scans, tests and ecgs and all have come back normal - I remember you going through the very same process a while back with headaches. Are you taking any anti anxiety medication and are you going to be getting any form of counselling?

What I would suggest is to phone NHS direct in future. OR do an inital assessment on their website - before going to A&E. Tell them you have anxiety issues too - keep fighting for help for the anxiety. You're fine :hugs: read over all your past threads, we've all told you this time and time again.

macc noodle
15-03-11, 19:29
No matter what your medical records say about your anxiety, it would be more than their career was worth to fob anyone off displaying real symptoms of DVT - quite simply you do not have it and they are confident of this.

The real problem is that you are worrying to much about it (but you already know this hun anyway).

Please don't feel scared, they would not have let you out of there if they had the tiniest doubt about your symptoms.


anx mum
15-03-11, 19:33
Just feel like the docs arent listening. In such a state hun there on about me going in hospital cos not coping saying these pains r due to high anxiety just taking every day at a time at mo.

15-03-11, 19:35
Just feel like the docs arent listening. In such a state hun there on about me going in hospital cos not coping saying these pains r due to high anxiety just taking every day at a time at mo.

They're right - it is due to high anxiety. The difficult thing is that the anxiety is causing you to believe its something far scarier thus you get more and more anxious. If we could get rid of the anxiety you'd see things as they really are. Going into hospital might really help you, you know - it would help you recover and be a better mum to your kids xx

15-03-11, 19:41
Why aren't you calling the out of hours GP like I suggested instead of going to A&E?

You post on here as if it is almost a good thing that you keep going to A&E yet you know deep down there is nothing wrong and it is such a waste of NHS resources to be honest.

You really do need to do something Bev as this is not the way forward.

Go into hospital and you will see how awful it is and will soon want to be out again trust me!

anx mum
15-03-11, 19:45
They're right - it is due to high anxiety. The difficult thing is that the anxiety is causing you to believe its something far scarier thus you get more and more anxious. If we could get rid of the anxiety you'd see things as they really are. Going into hospital might really help you, you know - it would help you recover and be a better mum to your kids xx

If things continue think i might have to cos not coping. Just cant seem to get the fear of a blood clot out my head think it stems from my mum. How r u today anyway?

15-03-11, 20:09
Hi Bev
I have just read your post
You have had all the tests and they have all come back fine
When your anxiety is at the level that yours is at the moment you imagine that you have got ev erything and they all seem so real.
You have got to start beleiving what everyone is saying to you otherwise you will not get over this anxiety.
Start beleiving
I have been to a funeral today and my anxiety was higher than it should be but I did not let it take over me I kept saying to myself it is only anxiety and that is what you have got to do as well
Look after yourself.


15-03-11, 20:19
hi bev
im posting this as a friend and as someone that probably caused a argument for people being a bit off but im sorry hun
you have to start believeing its anxiety this has been going on for such a long time now and you are posting same things and you have had sooooo many tests done now more than most people and i can assure you now your probably in better health then most of us on here, having just had a baby ou would have been chesked over so much and now you have had all these tests done and backwards and forwards to a and e.
what do you want the doctors to do chick?
they cant do anymore for you only you can help yourself and the only way to do that is to trat yourself for anxiety cos tahts all you have.

im different i have been through the belief of having dvt and as soon as a doctor told me it wast i got the reassurance straight away.
My breathing has been terrible and anxiety esculated for the past few days after i was doing si well the reason stressing about my little boy and moving.

im soo sorry if it sounds harsh but i dont no what you want us all to say any more because we are giving you reassurance but you dont except it.
high anxiety can cause pains verywhere it can mae you feel so ill and like a 90 year old your putting your body through so much hell xxx

anx mum
15-03-11, 20:25
Why aren't you calling the out of hours GP like I suggested instead of going to A&E?

You post on here as if it is almost a good thing that you keep going to A&E yet you know deep down there is nothing wrong and it is such a waste of NHS resources to be honest.

You really do need to do something Bev as this is not the way forward.

Go into hospital and you will see how awful it is and will soon want to be out again trust me!

I dont think going to a&e is a good thing the pain was so strong thats why went. I know what hospital is like i saw it friday when i was gonna go in. Have u been in?

15-03-11, 20:33
Just feel like the docs arent listening. In such a state hun there on about me going in hospital cos not coping saying these pains r due to high anxiety just taking every day at a time at mo.

I take it thay mean the Psychiatric Ward Bev ? You wouldnt like it in there thats for sure .Its full of very ill people . sue

anx mum
15-03-11, 20:44
I take it thay mean the Psychiatric Ward Bev ? You wouldnt like it in there thats for sure .Its full of very ill people . sue

Yeah the psyc ward under a support worker so hopefully wont come to that

15-03-11, 20:48
My point about going to A&E is just call the out of hours doctor and they will see you so you don't have to keep going to A&E.

I have calf pain all the time as well - no idea what causes it but I am not up at A&E all the time with it.

Is this the psyc ward in a normal NHS hospital or a private one?

15-03-11, 20:54
i am sorry i dont want to offend anyone but i do feel as though a few comments are a little bit harsh...... we have all been there at some point where we are truely and utterley convinced that we are in danger of something serious..myself i have even done the 999 call. a waste of resources i suppose but we pay our national insurance and at that moment in time when you truely beleive there is something wrong instinct and panic takes over. instead of making anx mum feel guilty about her actions maybe support would be the way forward and to say there is light at he end of the tunnel even if it is after a few trips to a & e . i am sure she knows deep down herself that maybe a & e was a bit drastic but like i say "in the moment" its what you do..... you have to learn in your own time and way to control this. xxxx rebecca

15-03-11, 20:59
Have you been given any Diazapam to take this time ? You really need to try and relax a bit Bev ,or you will end up in there ..All your tests are negative ,this is just like last time do you remember last year ? It will pass once you start accepting and relaxing your body and mind . This is just a fear you have ,and your Anxiety is feeding off it ,it causes all sorts of symptoms .It isnt going to harm you Physically, only you can change whether you are going to let it harm you mentally, more than it has already . Its your choice Bev . stay strong xsue

15-03-11, 21:03
hi bexy84

i said the same comments the other week to bev i tried to support her and yes i have been their and wish i could give her a hug to reassuare her BUT.....i feel like im ignored bev has constantly re posted the same issues and been to and e so many times i relly really like bev but she has to help her self. i dont mind giving reassuarance at all to bev if i thought she acually listened to what anyone us/doctors/therapists were saying but i dont think she is listening or trying to help her self

sorry bev xxx

15-03-11, 21:04
Bexy - do you know the full history of anx's mum's trips to A&E etc? The comments are not harsh they are from frustration from many people.

15-03-11, 21:05
Talking of being ignored ...


This is getting silly now !

15-03-11, 21:08
i have had a look at her posts , that is all i no of bev is just reading her posts to be honest. i do understand your frustrations but i also feel from bevs point of view that the vicious circle that you are stuck in is that you dont beleive anyone , thats the whole point of having health anxiety??? i mean i dont no if bev has been offered help and declined it or anything like that but i can understand the thing about reassurance not working and also about needing it constantly even if it works for a minute then you are worrying again. i have been in an ambulence at least 10 times from 999 calls....am i proud of it?? definatly not..would i do it now??? definatly not BUT i do understand why she is reacting this way xxx

15-03-11, 21:12
bev do try and get some help.... these lovely people on here do seem to have said all they can say....... i think we all understand why you feel you have to do this but it is something that needs addressing ... it might be easier than you think hun xx

15-03-11, 21:15
yeah bexy64 i can understand too
but she has to believe there is nothing more that any one can do to help or reassuare her x i said the same commwnts as you now a few weeks back and caused a argument but now im very sorry for that because i like bev but wat can we do now?

anx mum
15-03-11, 21:22
bev do try and get some help.... these lovely people on here do seem to have said all they can say....... i think we all understand why you feel you have to do this but it is something that needs addressing ... it might be easier than you think hun xx

Thanks bexy nicola i dont regret going to a&e the pain im getting is real and yes i am over anxious we all all sometimes. Dont post for the fun of it genunily need advise and i do take ur comments on board.

15-03-11, 21:25
The only way you'll ever get better though is to help yourself hun, at the end of the day diazepam can calm you down, A&E can reassure you, but only you can help stop the anxiety from taking over to start with x

15-03-11, 21:40
Yes the pains are real because you have HA. That is how it works.

Ok so what are you doing to help with the anxiety then?

anx mum
15-03-11, 21:48
Yes the pains are real because you have HA. That is how it works.

Ok so what are you doing to help with the anxiety then?fe

Gonna try and calm down anxiety is sky high at mo. Dont wanna feell like this just feel the anxiety is taking over. Doc perscribed diazpam now 5mg do u know if they makeu drowsy? Feel sleepy

15-03-11, 21:49
I wouldn't take 5mg if you have never taken them before - unless you have of course?

15-03-11, 21:50
hi chick diazpam will do that to you i only ever took one (due to the way i feel about meds and i didnt like them)

but....take them they will help you, you should start to feel tired and relaxed and able to get some sleep and rest then your anxiety should calm down a bit xx

15-03-11, 21:54
What I mean is are they 5mg in strength or did he say take 5mg at a time

anx mum
15-03-11, 21:57
What I mean is are they 5mg in strength or did he say take 5mg at a time

5mg in strengh 3x a day

15-03-11, 22:09
I would break one in half and try that first.

15-03-11, 22:56
how are you doing now Bev?

15-03-11, 22:58
She has gone offline some time ago Daisy

15-03-11, 23:19
:blush: Oh yeah oops .. thanks x

16-03-11, 09:25
bev i really dunno what to say to you anymore ,as i feel like whatever i say you dont belive ,i have gone through the symptoms of pe with you as you know i had 2 blood clots none of your symptoms are what i had, and theres noway when i had them id be able to move or go on pc , i have ha and yes i got pains in my legs everyday but i have to get on and belive its not clots anymore,you know can pm me anytime but please realise a ct scan would tell if you got clots ,try to relax a little i know its hard with a baby very hard take care amandaxxxxxx

paula lynne
16-03-11, 10:44
Hi Bev, hope you feeling a bit better today?
I posted to you when you first joined NMP, as you were a new mum, and I felt you were depressed. This has obviously quickly developed into anxiety.
My anxiety started after the birth of my son. Ive since read a lot of research into mothers who have hormonal changes after birth which dont seem to get better, and lead to panic and anxiety.

Im going to suggest that you ask your GP for a hormone test, as I dont think you have post partum depression now, as its gone on too long. You may have a hormonal imbalance, which I know from personal experience has a massive impact on anxiety levels. Its just a simple blood test, nothing to worry about. Do you think its something youd like to enquire about, just to rule it out?

As for a dvt/pe.....I had a scare a few monthes ago after taking the pill. My left calf swelled in size, was hot and red. I went to A&E, where it was measured (the affected limb is ALWAYS bigger)...and they did a blood test, which shows up cell changes and the results are available immediately. They also ask questions related to a special chart that measures your risk. Im sure you had all these things like me. It turns out I didnt have it after all, and a few days later it was gone. You need to be assured you dont have a dvt, youd know by now, and more to the point, they definately would have found it, so put it out of your mind. Your chest pains are anxiety. Try re-breathing into a paper bag, and use lavender instead of valium 3 times a day, as valium is highly addictive. As per previous post, maybe use half a tablet at a time, especially as you have a baby to look after, and can make you drowsy and disorientated.

So, will you consider asking your GP for a hormone test?

anx mum
16-03-11, 19:24
Hi Bev, hope you feeling a bit better today?
I posted to you when you first joined NMP, as you were a new mum, and I felt you were depressed. This has obviously quickly developed into anxiety.
My anxiety started after the birth of my son. Ive since read a lot of research into mothers who have hormonal changes after birth which dont seem to get better, and lead to panic and anxiety.

Im going to suggest that you ask your GP for a hormone test, as I dont think you have post partum depression now, as its gone on too long. You may have a hormonal imbalance, which I know from personal experience has a massive impact on anxiety levels. Its just a simple blood test, nothing to worry about. Do you think its something youd like to enquire about, just to rule it out?

As for a dvt/pe.....I had a scare a few monthes ago after taking the pill. My left calf swelled in size, was hot and red. I went to A&E, where it was measured (the affected limb is ALWAYS bigger)...and they did a blood test, which shows up cell changes and the results are available immediately. They also ask questions related to a special chart that measures your risk. Im sure you had all these things like me. It turns out I didnt have it after all, and a few days later it was gone. You need to be assured you dont have a dvt, youd know by now, and more to the point, they definately would have found it, so put it out of your mind. Your chest pains are anxiety. Try re-breathing into a paper bag, and use lavender instead of valium 3 times a day, as valium is highly addictive. As per previous post, maybe use half a tablet at a time, especially as you have a baby to look after, and can make you drowsy and disorientated.

So, will you consider asking your GP for a hormone test?

Hi guys really panickng again my calf is hurting again am walking on it but feels sore

16-03-11, 19:37
I dont know what you expect us all to do though Bev :unsure: lots of us have taken time to give you reassurance, does it help you at all, you've been given a lot of good advice xx

anx mum
16-03-11, 19:41
I dont know what you expect us all to do though Bev :unsure: lots of us have taken time to give you reassurance, does it help you at all, you've been given a lot of good advice xx

Hi hun hows u? Struggling again with the pain :weep: surely if it was a dvt it would be red.

16-03-11, 19:43
Exactly, I'm sure it would be - how's your chest now?

anx mum
16-03-11, 19:48
Exactly, I'm sure it would be - how's your chest now?

Chest has been worse my leg hurting more

16-03-11, 19:51
bev do you even read my posts i do to you anymore ? i try to help you with the symptoms of pe/dvt but you ignore me , if you had a dvt or pe and it was left untreated for as long as you think youve had 1 ,you def wouldnt be here talking to us now, i had a chest x ray and ct scan and mine showed on ct scan as you know, i think we all feel we are banging or head against a wall atm as you just wont listen to any of us who is trying to help you ,please try to stop worrying it is not a dvt or pe and experts have told you it isnt ,please try to belive them and let us help you on here amandaxxxx

16-03-11, 19:58
hi bev
i had a friend who had had dvt and her legs was amess
you would no by no same with your chest chick.
i no its scary cos i get scared all the time with stuff im scared now so distraction is what im doing. well trying. i think the pain is worse because you cant stop thinking about it? you ever had tooth ache? oo i do and when i get it i distract myself cos i no its tooth ace and will go.
you need to use some technique like that you have had so many tests done now and i can promise you if all them are fine then you are fine 100 per cent.

think in your head right now right ive got leg mpain i no its nothing serious cos i have had the tests done so it cant be and its anxiety cos thats what i have. keep saying it to your self and play a game watch tv read a bpook anything and i guarntee the leg pain will start subsiding.


16-03-11, 20:09
bev do you even read my posts i do to you anymore ? i try to help you with the symptoms of pe/dvt but you ignore me , if you had a dvt or pe and it was left untreated for as long as you think youve had 1 ,you def wouldnt be here talking to us now, i had a chest x ray and ct scan and mine showed on ct scan as you know, i think we all feel we are banging or head against a wall atm as you just wont listen to any of us who is trying to help you ,please try to stop worrying it is not a dvt or pe and experts have told you it isnt ,please try to belive them and let us help you on here amandaxxxx

Exactly what I was wanting to say :)

Bev you are fine x

16-03-11, 20:51
I think because you dont seem to acknowledge anyones replies properly or write anything apart from you ARE IN pain Bev .People are becoming rather frustrated with you ,.If you took the time to post in response to what people said it would also help you too .You Ignored Paulas post as well .The least you could do is reply instead of ignoring her ,Shes a sufferer as well like everyone on here .Her and others have done all they can and they cant say anymore ,I suggest you read through all your posts again and your replies .You might find it helpful in more ways than one ,it will at least give you something to do and distract your mind .Or maybe you could search the forum and help somone else ..Sue

anx mum
16-03-11, 21:20
Hi Bev, hope you feeling a bit better today?
I posted to you when you first joined NMP, as you were a new mum, and I felt you were depressed. This has obviously quickly developed into anxiety.
My anxiety started after the birth of my son. Ive since read a lot of research into mothers who have hormonal changes after birth which dont seem to get better, and lead to panic and anxiety.

Im going to suggest that you ask your GP for a hormone test, as I dont think you have post partum depression now, as its gone on too long. You may have a hormonal imbalance, which I know from personal experience has a massive impact on anxiety levels. Its just a simple blood test, nothing to worry about. Do you think its something youd like to enquire about, just to rule it out?

As for a dvt/pe.....I had a scare a few monthes ago after taking the pill. My left calf swelled in size, was hot and red. I went to A&E, where it was measured (the affected limb is ALWAYS bigger)...and they did a blood test, which shows up cell changes and the results are available immediately. They also ask questions related to a special chart that measures your risk. Im sure you had all these things like me. It turns out I didnt have it after all, and a few days later it was gone. You need to be assured you dont have a dvt, youd know by now, and more to the point, they definately would have found it, so put it out of your mind. Your chest pains are anxiety. Try re-breathing into a paper bag, and use lavender instead of valium 3 times a day, as valium is highly addictive. As per previous post, maybe use half a tablet at a time, especially as you have a baby to look after, and can make you drowsy and disorientated.

So, will you consider asking your GP for a hormone test?

Thank u paula for your advise whats a hormone test? Can it show if your low?

16-03-11, 21:47
bev please stop this now come on you dont need naymore tests please take our advice and relax and you will be fine i promise x

16-03-11, 21:48
Thank u paula for your advise whats a hormone test? Can it show if your low?

Shows levels of different hormones in your body. I don't know much about it but I know if they're out of whack they can leave you feeling the way you are - sort of like PMT but worse I think.

paula lynne
16-03-11, 22:46
All I can suggest for your leg is a cold compress and elevate the leg, so try that. You do not have a dvt or the doctors would have spotted it.
A hormone test will show if you are oestrogen dominant, too much oestrogen can give you major anxiety. Its a simple blood test, ask your GP. A lot of women with anxiety are found to be oestrogen dominant following childbirth. Im not saying you have a hormone problem, its to rule it out. Thanks Bev for acknowledging my long post to you, it took over half an hour with my hands in these blooming splints. Always nice to get a thank you.

anx mum
17-03-11, 17:29
All I can suggest for your leg is a cold compress and elevate the leg, so try that. You do not have a dvt or the doctors would have spotted it.
A hormone test will show if you are oestrogen dominant, too much oestrogen can give you major anxiety. Its a simple blood test, ask your GP. A lot of women with anxiety are found to be oestrogen dominant following childbirth. Im not saying you have a hormone problem, its to rule it out. Thanks Bev for acknowledging my long post to you, it took over half an hour with my hands in these blooming splints. Always nice to get a thank you.

Thank u paula for taking the time to reply to me. Been in agony today with leg doc has now given me tramadol for the pain and hes checking my d dimars levels again i guess to be on the safe side. All of this started before the birth of my daughter now i fee its just got out of control.

17-03-11, 17:58
what about the rest of us thats taken the time to reply!!!!

17-03-11, 19:01
what about the rest of us thats taken the time to reply!!!!

You and I have fallen out in the past over Bev's posts, but I see where your coming from on this, but you see the posts she likes suggests more tests, your suggests helping herself.

Again this post will offend some but thats too bad , this goes on and on Bev needs to read and digest good advice. Its a bit like hearing but not listening.

I get so annoyed when 50 odd people reply , yet a day or so longer along comes the same post.

17-03-11, 19:05
hi mary i said earlier on in this post i was sorry fr that cos now i realise exactly what everyone was on about.
i actually feel like such a fool and nasty,
to get better from anxiety you need to help yourself and bev is not doing that at all
im sorry mary60

anx mum
17-03-11, 19:10
You and I have fallen out in the past over Bev's posts, but I see where your coming from on this, but you see the posts she likes suggests more tests, your suggests helping herself.

Again this post will offend some but thats too bad , this goes on and on Bev needs to read and digest good advice. Its a bit like hearing but not listening.

I get so annoyed when 50 odd people reply , yet a day or so longer along comes the same post.

If u get annoyed then simply dont reply. I do listen and read peoples advice and im gratful for this. How can u say i like writing about more tests i dont, i post as im concerned

17-03-11, 19:14
No worries mate, you were being supportive of her thats all, I am sorry she just doesent realise that anyone who takes the time and trouble to reply all mean well.

We are all on here for the same reason , some of us take poitive action and the advice offered, some dont.

I am not the most tolerant person I admit, but I do try and see all prospectives, I am sorry but she is ignoring all issues that will help her.

17-03-11, 19:17
Bev. All i have to say is i really hope you get well soon. x. You will get there in the end, do you accept your problems are because your anxious?

17-03-11, 19:20
If u get annoyed then simply dont reply. I do listen and read peoples advice and im gratful for this. How can u say i like writing about more tests i dont, i post as im concerned

Bev you need to stop and try and help yourself, we have all been there, you are not the only one . You have been told time and time again you are ok, listen, thank God and move on.

Today i have been to the funeral of a colleague who was dearly loved , she died aged 32 never knowing the joy of having a child , she married 2 weeks ago, She loved life and she lived it.
Be prepared to accept you have H/A and live with it.as we all do.

17-03-11, 19:37
hi bev
its not that you had tests done bedv so many people on here have had tests done
its that you post so much about one pain (fine as i have been guilty of that)
BUT when we respon you dont listen to us and read back through this post you only answered people that was mentioning more tests or was over kind.
i supported you and sympthasied and wanted more than anything to help you cos i i understand exctly how your feeling.

prolem is when i post i listen too what people are saying cos i no i have anxiety.
so do you bev you no this you need to try and accept it xxxx
i do wish you all the luck in getting better

17-03-11, 19:43
Nothing I can say that hasn't already been said Bev - just to say that I agree with what everyone else is saying - you need help and not for the pain but for the anxiety. You can go to as many A&E departments as you like, have as many tests as you like but it wont fix your anxiety, it just fuels it. It is sometimes disheartening when you don't reply - by nature a lot of us with anxiety are very caring people and just want to help you hun. Deep down you obviously know it's anxiety - you wouldn't be posting on an anxiety forum otherwise.

17-03-11, 22:40
[QUOTE=anx mum; Been in agony today with leg doc has now given me tramadol for the pain and hes checking my d dimars levels again i guess to be on the safe side. All of this started before the birth of my daughter now i fee its just got out of control.[/QUOTE]

I can remember this happening last year Bev .You didnt come on here for months .So you must have had some respite .I can remember you saying your leg was ok but then you had head pain .After loads of tests for that .Nothing is found and you didnt come on here for ages .You came back on here then start complaining of chest Pain .Now its Leg pain again .Your Dr surely cant be serious about D dimer tests again ? He could have sent you for private therapy for the ammount its cost the Nhs on ALL the tests youve had .Not one of them has said you have anything serious .Surely this is telling you and him something .? You really need help for your Anxiety not more wasted time and money on tests .Hes just trying to Stop you from BEING ANXIOUS sending you for these things all the time ,but its NOT WORKING .I cant believe for a minute he thinks you need them after all youve had already .Its disgraceful .Sorry I know thats harsh but its the truth .The only thing that will make you better is acceptance and treatment for your Anxiety .Please see this as something positive. as you will be like this for the rest of your life if you dont..Sue x

17-03-11, 23:27

Are you on any other meds other than diazapam ? My dr only prescribed these very short term before putting me on citralapram .
I,ve only suffered HA since late last year .

Diazapram only relaxes you , (help me here peeps) you need other meds to get a break from this cycle ??

17-03-11, 23:41
Yes you are right Mel .Diaz is only for short term use ,because its addictive .Bev needs some therapy as she has an underlying fear of having DVT .This is because her Mum had one .She would benefit from CBT. SSRIs would help short term for her anxiety but its up to her if she wants to take this type of Meds or not .Her Dr seems to be doing anything for a quiet life .Also covering his own back I think .Not the best way forward imo .sue x

blue moon
18-03-11, 04:36
Bev.Just want to send some hugs thinking you might need some.:bighug1::bighug1:Love Petra x:flowers:

18-03-11, 14:11
Bev the treatment for you is not more tests but cbt/counessling, please please please beg your gp for this