View Full Version : Visual Disturbance

15-03-11, 01:35
I'm not new to this site, i read posts and add replies here and there but i dont usually post myself. At the moment however, i feel it is needed.

I suffer on and off from bouts of major anxiety where it would usually be classed as a mental breakdown. I have been there up and down since December last year. I have somewhat managed to pull myself out of the hole these past few weeks but am still experiencing GAD and anxiety symptoms randomly.
Some weeks ago i experienced a bright spot in my vision which lasted about 20 minutes with a mild headache on the opposite side and then my hearing sounded a little funny. I immediately thought the worst and went into a full blown panic attack where my left hand went so numb and had pins and needles which felt tight and travelled up my wrist before it eased off. I called the ambulance when my lip started tingling as i thought the worst. They took my BP and did an ECG and said it was just panic but couldnt explain the eye thing. My doctor suggested it may have been an occular migraine (but why suddenly at the age of 33 would i start with migraines)? I was spending alot of time on my iphone and thought this could've been the culprit)??
Well, that weekend i started Aropax but stopped it after 3 days when i woke up with my other eye blurry in one spot which lasted for about 3 hours. This time i had no other symptoms but went to the optometrist as my doctor suggested. Apparently my eyes are good.
I have suffered floaters for as long as i can remember and had these checked in the past and they aren't a concern. But just lately after all my stress they have been much more noticeable AND twice lately i have had this blackest black dot appear in the centre of my vision which doesn't look like a floater but behaves like one. It only lasted minutes and went away but my question is........what the hell is it and why are my eyes such a problem nowadays when previous episodes of anxiety / panic havent presented this way??

Thanks for listening, i appreciate your input.

Kel :)

15-03-11, 01:36
Hi Kelley

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

15-03-11, 02:00
Thanks Nicola.
The support is priceless and vital to my well being!


15-03-11, 02:08
I know that your eyes can see double or get blurry when under a panic attack. It really does sound like a migraine. Maybe it was your first and last. I know I get those black dots when I stand up real fast or if my blood sugar is low. Even allergies can sometimes trigger migraines and mess with your eyes.

If it is bothering you, write down the times it happens, how long it lasts, what your were doing, etc. Maybe if you keep track, you will find a pattern that you can point out to your doctor at your next visit.

Don't forget to breathe through all of this:-) When I panic, I breathe fast and shallow which can make you dizzy, etc.

Good luck!

15-03-11, 02:53
Thanks for the advice, i might just do that. I know these things can happen during an attack which is why i am confused as to why it happens without it?? I am guessing maybe just being run down and over senstised and because the eyes are nerves etc....?? Hmmmm, i hope it's just that.

Kel x

15-03-11, 04:45
One of my fist 'real' symptoms of health anxiety was vision based.
I was about 14 & one day started noticing small floaters in my vision & moving sparkles of light when i looked up into the sky -like a TV screen with no Ariel plugged in.
I also saw the black (or white) spot for a couple of mins at a time very so often, sometimes a every couple of days, weeks - when every & it really scared me.
This was actually the trigger for me getting about 5 different eye tests between the age of 17 & 18 & every time my tests came back fine.
I have to say, I still get them, again every few days, maybe weeks, maybe months, sometimes for 10 seconds, sometimes a couple of minutes but it's never been something that has gotten worse.
Most people get this (I've been assured) but only some people actually notice it or ponder on it when noticed.


15-03-11, 07:25
Oh, that makes me feel much better. Thankyou for your reply Luke. Is your spot like a pure black dot like the size of say a pin head directly in front of your vision? Floaters are a grayish dark brown colour in an odd shape and you can always see them if you look for them but this occasional black spot is different.....

15-03-11, 12:48
Hi Kelley, i dont think this is anything to worry unduly about, visual disturbance happens a lot in all forms of panic and anxiety. Trick is to try not let it dominate your thoughts, nothing will happen and it will invariably pass. You will be fine love x

15-03-11, 12:57
Hi Kelley, on top of what others have said about anxiety-related issues, the bright spot thing does sound like ocular migraine. I was 48 when I had my first one, no idea why, but it really isn't anything to worry about xxx

15-03-11, 14:04
Hi again, my little spot is very small and normally right in the centre of my field of vision. My floaters are the same as any other too, they look like cartoon germs under a microscope! Lol! I have had two migraines in my life, both random and both like lightning across my vision. I'm glad i was able to help. Luke x

21-03-11, 01:20
Thanks again everyone, i appreciate your input :)

21-03-11, 11:57

I sometimes gets unset vision but my main 'sign' is losing my balance? It goes for a very short time but enough to upset the system.... Im sure yours is down to these pesky things too....try not to worry xxx
