View Full Version : Aaaarrgghh

15-03-11, 10:00
I have been sat, in my coat for 2 hours trying to make myself go to work!! I attempted to walk there but felt so anxious I had to turn back. I have been told I can take the day as AL (don't want more sick days!!) but that's just avoidance right? I'm gonna have to go in tomorrow, and the same will happen!! Anyone else get this in the mornings? Literally feel I can't leave the house, don't want to go down that slippery slope again!!

15-03-11, 10:04
I'm sorry I don't have any advice but have a hug from me. I wouldn't wish this on anybody and I know the feeling only too well.

15-03-11, 11:04
What are you like when you get there?
You do have to stand up to the anxiety bully!
I am so scared of supermarkets but i force myself to go because I know if I don't it just gets harder and harder. x

15-03-11, 11:19
Well, I made it in finally and feel ok (ish). I can work flexi time so luckily doesnt really matter what time I come in as long as I do my hours!! I know I cant give in to this, just so difficult sometimes. I also hate supermarkets, I think it is the bright lights!!

15-03-11, 11:31
:yesyes: well done you should be very proud of yourself :) sometimes we just have to pluck up the courage first i know i have to tomorrow as i have an appointment but i will go as avoiding it only makes matters worse...Anyway well done keep it up.oxoxo

15-03-11, 11:40
Thanks everyone. Xx

15-03-11, 12:32
hi, I know how you feel - been like that for last few weeks! but you do get through it - it seems mad that you cant seem to do the normal every day things - I can never get my head round it! I dunno if you;ve actually suffered a panic attack at work? but I had a panic attack at work at 4.20pm on a friday, on the next day I went to go in I felt anxious all day - and clock watched - it was like I programmed myself to believe that it would happen again at the same time and it more or less did thats how powerful the brain is! so next time I made sure I didn't clock watch so to speak and get on with things (although still anxious) and when it was five pm I suddenly felt great - like I'd made it and achieved somthing! the next day to work was a lot easier by doing this as I'd elliminated the fact of having one at work at a certain time..all litle things help - hope you feel better soon :)

15-03-11, 12:57
Yay well done you for going in!! Brilliant!

Yes i agree, i think it is the bright lights, it's horrid isn't it. I straight away feel dizzy and dreamy and pray I don't see anyone I know :ohmy:


15-03-11, 13:19
Hi ellis81
I have had loads of panic attacks at work over the years. I seem to get them everywhere, most of the time I can just deal with them, but when it keeps happening for a while, they just seem to take over!! Although I have managed to come in today, I feel awful, just want this to stop!!