View Full Version : Bowel info needed

15-03-11, 10:14
Hi all, I've not posted in a while, which is good:) However I just need to know if there was something sinister going on in my bowel would it show up something in a full blood count?

My stools have not been 'formed' (sorry tmi) for sometime and I can go to the loo up to 4 times in a morning. No blood and it's not the runs, just soft ewwww:blush: I have never eaten breakfast, just a couple of cups of tea and I'm sorry to say... a couple of cigs:blush:

My GP had results of my bloods and said that the FBC was fine, but we need to keep an eye on the bowel situation if it continued.

I also had bloods done for folic and that came back low, so she wants them repeated in a month.

Just really uptight today and need some advice.

Trish x

15-03-11, 10:37
Sounds like ibs to me I can be the same my friend on the other hand has been quite Ill and had blood tests done and something abnormal came back so I would of thought if anything was going on that was bad it would of picked it up try not to worry

Says me I'm just the same at the moment :( xx

15-03-11, 13:53
Sounds just like IBS to me as well, at least they are doing a couple of tests and its all clear :)

Did you GP mention IBS?

15-03-11, 15:52
I have the exact same symptoms, I've had them now for over a year. I had food poisening last year which triggered them, but they haven't gone away and my anxiety makes them worse. I've had lots of blood tests done and they all came back normal. I've just been presribed some probiotic sachets which I mix with a drink, a bit like the yoghurts you can buy, and they are helping.

15-03-11, 17:07
Cigarette will stimulate the bowel so thats why you go a lot in the morning ..It does sound like you have IBS AND Probiotics will help Also some fybogel ,it will bulk your stools and it wont be so soft .If you need you can take Folic acid supplements .Cant see that being a problem TBH . .luv Sue x

15-03-11, 17:19
I disagree about the probiotics, I have tried a few and followed them correctly, however all they did was give me gas and pain for months.

15-03-11, 18:40
Thats unusual Piers ..But you are a tad unusual when it comes to your Bowels :winks: Sue :Dx

15-03-11, 21:42
Thank you all for your replies:)

Think I will try the probotics and see if they help. My GP didn't mention IBS but it is something I can put to her, if things are still the same on Friday I will go back to see her and mention it.

Thanks again

Trish x