View Full Version : Palpitations after drinking?

15-03-11, 11:11
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has had this before. I have suffered from palpitations before and they seemed to disappear for a couple of years (I would still get the odd one but nothing like what they used to be). Well this weekend I went away to London to see a friend and the first night out we drank a really stupid amount of alcohol and since then I have had really bad palpitations/ectopics. Is this normal after drinking? Trying not to let it get to me and set my anxiety off but it is really hard.

15-03-11, 11:26
Hi, yes, it's normal. The drug can cause anxiety for the next few days. Someone told me this was because it becomes a stimulant once metabolised but I've just looked this up and can't see any evidence, so I don't know why it does it. It's normal anyway! :)

15-03-11, 13:51
Hi, thanks for your reply. You would think I should know better after suffering from them before and obviously drinking doesn't help! Will try not to get anxious over them and hopefully they will pass. I have said to myself that I am never drinking again!! Just another strange point, I have been out and whilst I was out they didn't happen, now I am back and sat down it feels like its banging away like no tomorrow, strange or what! Thanks again :)