View Full Version : Goosebumps in your hair?

15-03-11, 16:21
Hi there! I was just wondering if any of you have ever experienced a sensation where it feels like you have goosebumps in your hair/on your scalp? I know I've felt this on my arms before, but there were no goosebumps. This started when I was in the hospital recovering after my c-section. My blood pressure was sky-high and they put me on bp meds. When the meds started working and my bp started dropping, I had this feeling like I had goosebumps on my head. I don't know if that feeling was from the bp issue or my anxiety (I was extremely anxious). It hasn't happened again until recently. I'm not on any bp meds, but I've been taking Xanax regularly. It's freaking me out, because I keep thinking that my bp is sky high again (my MD and OB both say I don't have high bp and tell me NOT to check it at home - I just have a fear of high bp). I've been going through a very stressful time right now - my kids have been sick for the 4th week in a row, financial worries due to having to pay for doctor's appointments and meds for the kids, etc. Can somebody please reassure me that this is an anxiety thing and not a bp issue? Thanks!!

15-03-11, 16:23
Hi NELLIE! Welcome back. :hugs:

I get this tingly/goosebump feeling in my hair sometimes! It's definitely anxiety or heightened awareness or something - as soon as I read your post i got the goosebump feeling all across the top of my head!

I don't find it an unpleasant sensation and I don't worry about it or question it, just always assumed it was an anxiety/nerve thing... just to let you know you're not alone


16-03-11, 18:36
I have this feeling, it is almost definetley part of the whole anxiety reactionary sympton responces. I used to get it a lot when I have been under a lot of stress, and funnily enough I also get it when I have not been regualr to the toilet. I don't think these are connected. :)

16-03-11, 22:09
Hi, i get this. Im sure i posted on it before because i was worried. I have had it quite a few times now, im sure its good old anxiety!

mandie x

19-03-11, 06:27
No goosebumps were designed when our ancestors had hair all over their bodies and were designed to push your hair up and out to let air in to cool you down.In most young mammals the growth phase occurs in a wave like pattern across the skin surface.

22-03-11, 12:45
Thanks everybody!

rgbinny - I never heard that before! I guess you learn something new every day!

16-06-15, 23:02
OH thank you for posting this! I have been on Xanax ever since 2008 and have panic and anxiety and over the last few years I have noticed tingling goosebump sensations on my brain/scalp. I am so glad to find out I am not alone. I notice when I am sexually aroused or pleased or happy it occurrs on the right side and if I am in pain or irritated or worried it occurs on the left. My theory is it has something to do with right brain/left brain type things like Art vs. Math.

17-06-15, 13:18
I had this almost every day 10 years ago..In my case it was from tension in neck and shoulders. When I get tension these days same thing happens.

19-06-15, 10:25
I always get this when I go from outside to indoors if it's been cold outside.