View Full Version : Hi 39 year old grandpa !!

15-03-11, 17:10
Hi im 39 live in sw scotland, married for 20 years and have 6 kids ranging in age from 20 to 4. Suffer panic disorder, anxiety on and off over the last 12 years. Just restarted citalopram 10mg today, previously had seroxat and citalopram twice, have blood pressure problems as well. Yesterday after 12 years a doctor and I have seen lots of them finally agreed with me and refered me for cbt !!! thanks after all these years lol. Anyway i have led an interesting life and worked in a specialist area of social work (dont currently work) and I am interested in making friends, supporting others and focussing my mind on doing something whilst i ride out the first weeks side effects of the citalopram. Thanks for reading and good luck.

15-03-11, 17:11
Hi scottishcantona

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

15-03-11, 17:29
You will get lots of support on here,

Look forward to getting to know you x

15-03-11, 18:04
Thanks for the reply, just out of a nice hot bath, first day back on meds sucks !! however, thanks for your reply, now i have to confess at times you may find me quite mad but thats ok because its allowed lol, now when do i get loose on chat, aww 5 days meh !! pah !! humbug !! nevermind !! will send you a message soon when one of my kids takes pity on me and makes me a nice cuppa, tata for now x

purple to black
15-03-11, 22:32

I'm just down the road from you in Lockerbie. Wish i was as brave as you and could take meds :(
Had CBT in Dumfries too, its really good but once they think youre improving then you basically arnt allowed anymore appts and have to re-apply which kinda sucks lol..

15-03-11, 23:20
Hello scottishcantona im new to this too, im currently receiving CTB its great. They gave me little things to do at home like a kind of homework which i felt helped alot. Currently though CTB im seeing another therapist under the same mental health team as i have problems they have to work on before i continue my CTB. Im looking forward to getting back to CTB and hope u find it as helpful as i did :) keep us poste how u are doing and i will check in with you from time to time!

Wecome aboard :D chat soon take care xx

16-03-11, 09:28
Hi scottishcantona, and diddles22, I see you are both new on here, gr8 to meet you both. I am glad CBT is working for you diddles, I am on a waiting list for it and waiting also to see an occupational therapist, so its good to know its helping so there is some hope. I too am pretty new to her, 2 weeks, but just getting the hang of things and its such a gr8 site, I have kicked Facebook to the kerb, its just so good to feel that I am only one of a lot of ppl who are having similar issues, and its so much easier to chat to ppl. I am sure you will both enjoy the site, its helpful friendly and ppl are really chatty in the chat room.

Hope to see you both soon

Suzi xx :hugs:

16-03-11, 09:40
Hey purple to black,diddles 22 & SuziDusk, thanks for the replies, Purple you are close by, I feel what your saying because I know what I am like in taking meds and for you it sounds like something that is so overwhelming, happy to get to know you and hopefully in due course we can support each other and form a more local connection and stop the cycle of being so isolated.
Diddles22 thanks for your lovely words, will need to sit tight and wait for my letter, in the meantime yesterday started back on citalopram so far so good !!! feel free to message me anytime and hope to see you in chat when I get access.
Lol SuziDusk facebook, been kinda quite meself recently so i have msgs on there saying hello !! where are you !! just could not be bothered, nobody amongst my friends know that I suffer sometimes and to be honest when you know me and my sense of humour and fun they would not understand, sure they would nod in the right places but they have never had the feelings that a lot of us have felt here. They are still my friends but now I need to build up a network of friends that understand and stop living this by myself and find, for want of better words, some love and hugs, thanks all for your replies and hope to chat more soon x

16-03-11, 11:38
Hello SC :welcome:. I can't be too far away from you either as I live in Ayrshire. Hope things are going ok with the cit x

16-03-11, 12:02
Hi JaneC, no not far at all, one awful road between us but in the great scheme of things not that far, was at Ayr last week. The cit is providing its usual little tricks that happen when you start it but nothing that I am not going to cope with, I am adopting a positive approach to myself and reinforcing confidence instead of succumbing to thoughts and the sometimes awful physical effects we all feel. He who dares wins!! lol I'm turning into Delboy, just need me silk dressing gown and modern man book, I digress, anyway thanks for getting in touch and come over and chat sometime or send me a msg telling me a little about you x

purple to black
16-03-11, 15:00

I totally agree with finding friends/people who understand what I/we are going through, like you my friends even family just nodded in the right places but have no idea of what my day to day life is like as they mostly choose to ignore it, more lack of understanding on their part than anything im doing wrong but im very good at beating myself up over how isolated i feel sometimes, largely due to not being about to go out on my own or even stay in on my own for that matter...oh well, onwards and upwards, i wont get anywhere thinking about what i cant do so i try to focus on what i can and perhaps the rest will eventually just fall into place again : )

Take Care x

margaret jones
16-03-11, 16:12
Hi and :welcome: I live miles away :winks: but welcome to this great site NMP XX

16-03-11, 18:35
Hi margaret jones, so glad you stopped by to say hello and welcome, thank you x

16-03-11, 18:39
hello there :) welcome to the site, its very supportive and friendly here. havent been a member for very long x

16-03-11, 18:45
thank you kjane for taking the time to read and say hello, your right it is friendly, if i can help or support you in any way dont hesitate to give me a shout, in the meantime i will keep a look out for you all and hopefully make some good friends on here x

Vanilla Sky
16-03-11, 20:42
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x