View Full Version : please help guys.. really worried need reasurence

15-03-11, 17:30
haveing a bad day .. :( saw my doc yesterday and now im at the point where i dont even feel reasured any more when iv seen her .. is she takeing me seriously?? saying all my pains are anxiety without checking me over?? i get nasty pains in my forearms and legs there like a burning painfull shootin ache if that makes sense? not just a normal ache or pain! im worried about everything but this really worries me .. does any one get this?? at the moment i feel like im burning up and itching maybe because im adjatated?? im obsessed with my right side of my neck .. as iv got a lymph node thats swellled but doc says "isnt a problem" and doesnt even want to check it again because she says it could stay swelled forever .. i wouldnt be so worried if it was on both sides but it isnt .. so this makes me so absessed with my neck anyway .. and so my right side of my neck feels differnt .. it aches an sometimes get pains that go up my jaw and i get ear ache and sometimes it goes into my head .. does anyone get anything iv mentiond??? if you can relate to me in any way please do as im on my last teather i need some reasurence ,, this anxiety is really testing me now and i dont think im strong enough to carry on like this .. :( its terrible i just want to be me again .. i need to know im going to be ok .. sorry for going on but i need help xx

15-03-11, 17:39
haveing a bad day .. :( saw my doc yesterday and now im at the point where i dont even feel reasured any more when iv seen her .. is she takeing me seriously?? saying all my pains are anxiety without checking me over?? i get nasty pains in my forearms and legs there like a burning painfull shootin ache if that makes sense? not just a normal ache or pain! im worried about everything but this really worries me .. does any one get this?? at the moment i feel like im burning up and itching maybe because im adjatated?? im obsessed with my right side of my neck .. as iv got a lymph node thats swellled but doc says "isnt a problem" and doesnt even want to check it again because she says it could stay swelled forever .. i wouldnt be so worried if it was on both sides but it isnt .. so this makes me so absessed with my neck anyway .. and so my right side of my neck feels differnt .. it aches an sometimes get pains that go up my jaw and i get ear ache and sometimes it goes into my head .. does anyone get anything iv mentiond??? if you can relate to me in any way please do as im on my last teather i need some reasurence ,, this anxiety is really testing me now and i dont think im strong enough to carry on like this .. :( its terrible i just want to be me again .. i need to know im going to be ok .. sorry for going on but i need help xx

reading this is just like something i would be writing myself i just want to be me again!!
i feel the same with my doctor i walk away and think what was the point in my seeing them with aches pains etc when they don't even examine me and then just say oh its anxiety !! ive been back and forth the doctors lately with every feeling and sensation and believe me i have everything under the sun or so i think i get those pains in my arms and legs they feeel like heavy weights sometimes with pins & needles in if this makes sense then i start to panic you wouldn't believe how many symptoms anxiety has so YES YOU ARE OK it will pass just bare with it i no thats easier said than done cos am having bad time right now and mine is just trapped wind but am panicking like crazy as i have not been the loo for days and cant budge this wind :(
it you tru not to think about your symptoms they will go away but if your more like me you tend to dwell on them over and over...

There just anxiety symptoms that will pass x x

15-03-11, 17:49
thankyou .. i just dont see an end to all this .. iv been thinking well theres eather something seriously physically wrong with me or im going to be like this forever :( and i dont want to be like this and i really dont want somethin bad to happen to me .. i can cope with the thoughts but not the pains they just add fuel to the fire and really scare me .. my arm is really hurting as we speak .. and its not always a constant pain comes and goes .. im fed up as i bet you are too chick .. are you sure ive got anxiety ?? like my doc is .. and do u sometimes think what if it isnt anxiety and its an actual illness?? xxx

15-03-11, 18:02

I used to get burning skin , neck pain and under arm pain where a swollen lyph node was . Are you constantly proding this node in the neck ? I would guess yes , this will make your neck sore and the more you prod the more you look the worse the pains are ? I also had ear ache and pain in my thighs .
All the above must have been anxiety over the hospital appointment about the node (all clear) and other health issues i had last year as they all slowly dissapeared . The pain was horrendous and i couldn,t sleep with the neck pain it was awefull !
I agree with the DR , its hard to take in but its anxiety .

EDIT....had the pains in the jaw aswell , i was tenseing (cleansing my teeth) and neck that much it gave me pains in the jaw . (under the neck area ) I,m just left with a spasm in my stomach now and acid stomach , and globus ...thats it at the moment !

My 11 year old son has got a lymph node in his neck swollen thats been there since as long as we can remember (seen the doctors years ago) and his is still there !

15-03-11, 18:17
Your Dr is right .Lymph glands just swell sometimes .Unless you present symptoms of something serious she wont examine you .Mine didnt .It will probably go down when you stop being anxious about it .Mine come up every now and again .Its normal ..If there is such a thing lol .Ive had the jaw thing too .it will go away like Mel says .T/c Sue x

15-03-11, 22:07
thanks guys .. just really worried but youve al made me feel a little better now .. maybe il sleep tonight .. its just really hard to understand and beleive that its anxiety as you all know .. xx