View Full Version : massive agitation, adrenaline, charged feeling

15-03-11, 20:01
My boyfriend is suffering side effects of his anti depressants. He is so bad tonight, he was begging me to phone for help. He was pacing around feeling like he was going mad saying surely it shouldn 't be this bad!

He says he feels so charged up and his diazipam have not really helped.

Please someone reassure us that this will pads, he is on day 11 on the higher dose x

15-03-11, 20:14
hi loops,

sorry your boyfriend is feeling so bad, this feeling will pass, i know me saying that will not make him feel any better. Can you get him to sit and try to relax, get him to focus on his breathing in through the nose and out through his mouth. What dose if diazapam is he on.

15-03-11, 20:17
He is on 5mg 3 times a day, it seems to get out of control at 5pm x

15-03-11, 20:22

reassure him he's not going mad it's the anxiety thats causing those thoughts. You say he wants you to phone for help, who or what is it he thinks would help?. I know its really hard, i was like your b/f and was on 30mg of diazapam daily and sometime self medicating and taking more. I promise, it really does get better, but unfortunately it won't happen overnight. Your b/f needs to fight to get his life back and sometimes you will need to be firm with him. does he use the forum himself?

15-03-11, 20:27
He wanted an ambulance, he said that he just can't him getting better, maybe he needs his diaz adjusting., how ling did this last for you?

15-03-11, 20:44
So sorry to hear hes suffering Loops ..I was like this after 4 weeks on my first dose it was horrible .I was taken off it as it was getting worse .I was told afterwards it would have passed after a few more days .But wasnt warned at the time of how I might end up feeling .If he has a stronger dose of Diazapam it will help him .He needs to stay focused and believe he will get better .He will but ,it takes time and every hour to him will seem like a day .Have you got a crisis number you can ring ? or were you told to go to the hospital if he got too bad ? Id say try distraction but it doesnt seem to help with this severity ,but maybe a nice warm bath and a foot massage would help him relax a bit ? You must be worn out yourself ? Hes so lucky to have you .t/c Luv Sue xx

15-03-11, 20:50
i was admitted to hospital and stayed there for 6 weeks, i have to say at the time i was happy to be there but looking back i don't think it was good for me in the long run. i was still really unwell when i came out of hospital and it took some tough love from my husband, mum and sister and fight from me to get where i am today. I have been off work since august last year and i can say it took me till about December to start to feel better, but i think this was down to CBT as well as the medication. He will get better i really promise you that.

15-03-11, 20:54
Thanks sue, it helps him to hear that, just read all the replies to him, thanks again x x

15-03-11, 20:58
Thanks Elaine x x

15-03-11, 21:13
Hi there

I was exactly the same during the first 3 weeks of my meds.
I would walk round the house, take the dogs round the block 2 or 3 times an evening I couldn't settle, watch TV, read, or anything. Felt I was going mad just totally out of control and it would all start around 5pm and finish about 9pm. It is horrible!!! I used to sit outside in the garden alot even in the rain as this was the only place I could seem to calm down.
This has all stopped now but iwas hell at the time. I still get fidgeting and shky some evenings but can now relax and make those symptoms go away.
Tell him to hang there be brave and strong he will get through it!

15-03-11, 21:16
I just had to add hold his hands tell him he is ok nothing is going to happen to him lots and lots of reassurance. Hold hands and breath with him get him to focus on you and not him.

Or have a hot bath this relaxes the muscles and does help.

15-03-11, 21:24
Thanks lizzy, that's exactly how he is, thing is he gets in such a state x