View Full Version : R these pains coming from my anxiety?

anx mum
15-03-11, 20:39
For well over a month now had some awful pains in my chest sharp pain/burning and in my calf. Really scared as the pains r real and mimic a dvt, altough my leg isnt swollen just painful. Had an ultra sound on my leg end of feb which showed no clot but this past week the pain has been awful worrying again

15-03-11, 21:00
I think it depends on your posture or what you are doing, are you standing all day and putting pressure on your legs or doing lots of exercise?

15-03-11, 21:02
Bev - why have you starting yet another post - we are replying on the other one and telling you it is anxiety!

15-03-11, 21:07
I have just replied to your other thread .If you post 100 different posts ,the answer will be the same regardless Bev .This is really irrational behaviour .No one can say anymore to you than they have already .Do something to help yourself please Bev ., :winks: sue x