View Full Version : Hi, I'm New, Anyone Around For A Chat?

15-03-11, 22:08
Hi, I've just joined the website tonight, hope everyone is doing ok x

15-03-11, 22:09
Hi Eternity

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Veronica H
15-03-11, 22:20
:welcome:to NMP. Glad that you have found us.


15-03-11, 22:29
Hi Veronica
Thanks for your reply, everyone seems really supportive of each other on here. How are you?
Tina x

15-03-11, 22:33
Hi I am new since the 11th March,so I am just finding my way around too.I live in NZ the earthquakes in Christchurch have been quite frightening just to even imagine what it would be like should my town get struck by one,lucky it's not.

15-03-11, 22:33
Jus thought id say hi as ive jus joined also, jus learning the site at the minute :)X

15-03-11, 22:35
Hi Petula
that must be awful and so frightening, there seems to be so much devastation in the world lately.
I'm in Northern Ireland, first time I've joined a forum like this but it's so reassuring to talk to people who understand what you're going through.
Tina x

15-03-11, 22:36
Hi Emmi
I see you're in the UK, I'm in NI so not too far away lol, how are you?

15-03-11, 22:38
my name is petula veronica,I am new to this and would love to find out more of what the others have done for their panicks at the shops and how to overcome the fear of just being at the counter I stress then,especially in a supermarket situation,I dont know why I do?

15-03-11, 22:45
Hi Eternity,thanks for your reply,yes it has been quite unsettling ,we have had a few aftershocks felt even though we are not in Christchurch,only wee ones.
So you are in Northern Ireland I have Irish blood in me too!.It is so funny that so many people all around the world are all struggling with this thing called panic isn't it!.I have just got to go as I have someone at the door.Bye for now and will be in touch. have a lovely day all of you. keep well and strong.:)

15-03-11, 22:46
I have severe pms, it was diagnosed about two years ago, don't know if anyone else has the same?? I've been on citalopram for two years, on 60mg at the mo but it's not working very well anymore so my doc is changing me to Vensir. I have to cut down on the citalopram to 40mg for one week, 20mg for one week then nothing for a week before starting the vensir, I'm worried about the withdrawal side effects, been on 40mg for five days and have a really bad headache, feel nauseous and really tired.

15-03-11, 23:10
Hi eternity, im not too bad thanks, u? I only joined the site yesterday but feel a huge wave of relief talking to people that understand through their own experiences, i have a fantastic support group around me but i dont think people realise how scary this can be if they havnt actually experienced the feeling for themselves, joining this site has helped me realise im not alone!!:) hope the site benifits u just as much :)

15-03-11, 23:22
You're exactly right, it's impossible for people to understand when they haven't experienced it. My mum and dad would be quite supportive and I have a really good friend who suffers with depression so we've kind of been there for each other. I'm divorced and I have two teenagers, my daughter is 16 and my son is 14 and they are great. My main problem is work, I work full time and they aren't very supportive or understanding with any kind of mental health issues. I've applied to reduce my hours but I'm not sure if they'll let me. I hope they do as I'm really struggling at the minute, loads of pressure at work and I'm worried that it will be temporarily worse with changing my medication. Sorry for waffling, I'm probably boring you to sleep!!!
Tina x

15-03-11, 23:38
No dont be silly your not boring me at all, as i said i find it comforting to no im not alone, i have a little girl of 1 she keeps me smiling bless her. I only suffer with anxiety, which can often lead to panic attacks. Its odd i work as a childminder so i can care for my own little girl at the same time and through the day im completely fine, its the evenings that work me up for some strange reason, but because i work with children the docs have advised that i fight against it with out meds to see if i can learn to cope with reassurance and advice, so here i am on this site, il give anything a go if it will help and to be honest i think im really getting there, learnin about all the hows and whys, id never had an attack until several months ago then they came frequently so it really scared me bt learning theres lots of people suffer with similar symptoms and that it cant really hurt me is helping, i just need to continue telling myself this over and over until it becomes less of a problem :) x

16-03-11, 03:28
You're probably asleep by now but hopefully you'll pick up this message. I'm wide awake, was asleep but keep getting weird dreams which seem so real and wake me up, reckon its something to do with the citalopram withdrawal. Maybe you've heard of it or even read it but there's a book called Self Help For Your Nerves by Dr Claire Weeks (I think)!. A friend gave it to me a while ago and it has some fantastic advice and coping tips for panic attacks, it's really worth a read and very inspiring. Hope this helps x
p.s. anyone else still awake and fancy a chat?

16-03-11, 09:38
Thanks for the advice hun, il have to have a look for that :). Hope things get better for you soon :) x

16-03-11, 11:24
Hi Eternity,

Hope you are ok, I'm currently cutting my Citalopram down too. My Dr wants me to try different meds for my Anxiety/Panic. I'm only going form 20mg to 10mg then for a week then I can start new tablets.
I have looked a the book you mentioned on Amazon. Think I may buy a copy. Hope it can help me!
Take Care
Julie xx

17-03-11, 08:24
hi Julie
I think it really will help, it gives some excellent advice on dealing with anxiety in all sorts of situations and it's practical advice which really works!!!! I think the shop on this site actually sells it too. And there are some good personal stories in it on how people have overcome depression and anxiety which I know always helps me.
Tina xxx