View Full Version : Ache in leg and MS fear

15-03-11, 22:27
Hi guys,

I have been trawling the internet (bad I know) to see what else the ache in my leg can be! But I am 100% convinced it is MS, as I also find that I have been really clumsy lately. Its getting me so down, and I know it can be a number of things but I have an irrational fear of it being MS.

I have just started taking the a new contraceptive pill called cerezette which does not really have a lot of symptoms to do with an achey leg but this ache seems to be here since I have started taking it!

I dont really know what I want from writing this, just some responses from people who know what I am feeling in regards to health anxiety! Although they are being great and trying, I find it does not always help for my family to tell me "you're fine"... as I always think how the hell do you know??

Anyway, thanks for reading

15-03-11, 22:48
Hi, hope it helps...I've been getting a pain on and off in my left calf for years. It tends to happen if I've not been sitting correctly. Take care x

15-03-11, 22:57
Hey you,

I have similar concerns to you, and I know how hard it is to accept that it is anxiety related. The symptoms seem so real, because they are! Could it be related to your back? Like sciatica? I know that this can cause leg pain. I know from my obsessive googling (tut tut) that leg pain in itself is not indicative of MS- of course if I could convince myself of that, I'd probably feel a lot better!! Please don't google anymore- you'll probably find yourself over-analysing every twitch, ache etc like I have!! It gets you nowhere!
I completely understand how you feel- I am the same. A while ago, someone said to me "what would you do if your best friend told you that their leg had been aching?". Well obviously, I wouldn't immediately tell them to run to the docs because they have MS!! I would probably tell them to have a hot bath, take a couple of pain killers and see how it is in a few days!
Try not to worry hun xxx