View Full Version : Fatigue, headaches and attacks

15-03-11, 23:51
Hi all,

I'm new to the forums and was wondering if you could shed some light on the vast array of symptoms I've been experiencing.

For the last two weeks I've been experiencing episodes of extreme fatigue and a general spaced out sensation every day. To make things worse I have had heart palpitations and breathlessness on a number of occasions. These "attacks" will last for around 45mins - 1hour and sometimes end in shaking/shivering.

I've been worried about the possibility of a brain tumour or ms for months now due to constant full body twitching and headaches at the back of my head coupled with a tingling across my scalp. A CT scan came back clear however I've been doubting it's ability to pick up anything nasty ever since.

My main question is can all these symptoms be put down to anxiety? Or should I be pressing my GP to conduct further tests such as an MRI scan?


18-03-11, 13:48
Your symptoms are Anxiety /panic related ..Please read through the pages on the left of the page .There is plenty of information and tips there .Most of us have experienced what you are currently feeling .Im sure you will find something that helps you here :welcome:TO NMP ..luv Sue x

18-03-11, 13:54
Please believe a CT scan it is immensely detailed. A brain tumor would have to be of a reasonable size to cause any symptoms.

22-03-11, 20:14
Hi, please be reassured that you are most likely suffering with anxiety. I had a brain tumour and experienced none of the symptoms, mine was found when i had a seizure out of the blue and they did a ct scan and there it was !! Since having it removed a couple of years ago i have suffered from anxiety and now sometimes get what you are experiencing, nothing at all to do with the brain tumour as i have had 3 clear mri scans since, which i have to have yearly, to check for no regrowth. I have learnt to control my attacks now, by distracting myself when i get these feelings and do the old deep breathing and that usually sorts me out, My anxiety was due to what i went through with the tumour. You will be ok, please inbox me if you need a chat

23-03-11, 19:16
Thanks for the replies. It really is reassuring talking to others about this problem. I feel I'm coping a bit better recently and started taking citalopram just under a week ago (not sure it's had any effect yet!).

I do however have some other symptoms I wanted to ask your opinions on. Firstly I find that I often have one pupil larger than the other, it isn't always the same pupil and they can be of equal size however when they are assymetrical the difference is significant. They do react to light when this happens however I find it rather worrying. Secondly I often feel as though I have real pressure in my sinuses even when my nose isn't blocked, this isn't associated with any pain although I do suffer from post nasal drip.

Is there any chance my symptoms could be down to severe allergies or chronic sinusitis? My doctor has been quick to discount these options...

23-03-11, 22:22
Hi rtb, I to have uneven pupil size in dull light my right is larger in brighter light my left seems larger and mine too can be of even size at times, as my anxiety is easing off it seems to be getting less but at first my right was so much bigger, I had derealisation v bad which again has eased off and also that pressure feeling it felt like someone had me round the throat it made my eyes and ears feel odd too, I went to opticians as I thought I had a tumour :blush: when I learnt to accept this as the way I felt and stopped worrying too much acout it it eased off. there are some threads on here re unequal pupil size and it seems quite common. I do understand your worry and fear have you read Claire weekes books they helped me so much. I would go and see your optician and explain your fears and if they are worried they would send you to specialist. I was so tired too just wanted to sleep and rest but at the moment I feel quite good and although still get symptoms mildly I try my best to ignore them.:hugs: