View Full Version : Tips to ease early morning anxiety

16-03-11, 10:42
Hey guys

I am 7 months in on this journey of anxiety and depression, I am having counselling which really helps and am on 25mg Citalopram which has really helped with my depression. Generally speaking, my anxiety is under control but it still lurks most mornings, early, about an hour before I need to get up. Really frustrates me as I feel fine rest of the day and the evening but as soon as I wake up...bam! Any tips?

paula lynne
16-03-11, 10:57
Hi heavenly, well done on taking a pro-active approach. My tip is...get downstairs and make your cuppa, then put the radio on and sit quietly near a window. Just "be". Make a list of all the things you are looking forward too that day, and count your blessings, however small. If you feel the anx creeping up say to it (in your head or out loud)..."Ok, your back. Well, I havent got time for you now, so come along with me this morning, but I have to tell you, Im really busy and cant be bothered with you to be honest....right....!"......sounds crazy? Yep, does it work..Yep! I give my anx "permission" to be with me, as well as telling it I havent got time for it and cant be bothered. The less attention we pay it, the more bored it gets with us, and one day, youll get to mid-day and realise.....it wasnt there at all! Good luck x

16-03-11, 14:10
Thank you paula lynne. xx I agree that just lying there doesn't help me, I am just loathed to get up that early :ohmy: but if needs must then I must! lol Especially if it eases the anxiety. :) I know that I don't actually look forward to going to work, I am bored and unfulfilled there, but I am doing something about it! Doing a teaching assistant course from home and will be volunteering in primary schools soon, so hopefully when all that starts to pan out, the anxiety will lessen! That's the plan anyway. :blush:

16-03-11, 14:17

Morning anxiety is horrible to put it mildly!
In Claire Weekes book which I know many swear by, it says get up immediately when you wake if it is a reasonable hour as the worse thing you can do is stay in bed according to her. Easier said than done I know :blush:

Good on you for making the necessary steps to change your job, many of talk about it but never do it.


16-03-11, 14:28
I agree with megan, getting up and out of the house as soon a possible helped me. Once I was in the fresh air I always felt better.

16-03-11, 16:32
its so difficult when its 5 in the morning though!!

16-03-11, 17:36
hi, i have trouble in the mornings, i absolutley hate getting up and really struggle. I am so tired when i wake up and i hit my alarm clock for snooze so many times! i also lie there for ages just thinking, about what to wear, the day ahead and it makes it all worse, even if i try and think positive. i am going to try this getting up straight away thing...i bet i dont do it...

17-03-11, 09:15
Thanks everyone. xx Well this morning, I didn't wake too early and I didn't have any anxiety, no idea why, but I am grateful! It made such a difference getting ready for work and coming into work without having to battle with anxiety for an hour or so. Other half said to wake him if I need to (as long as its not too scarily early:blush:), make us both a cuppa and put the radio on - so that is a plan if needs be!

03-04-11, 04:30
Weekes also suggests adjusting the position of your bed, to disrupt the chain of waking up, seeing the familiar morning scene and remembering to feel miserable. I'm actually trying it now to see if it helps!

03-04-11, 06:17
If you feel the anx creeping up say to it (in your head or out loud)..."Ok, your back. Well, I havent got time for you now, so come along with me this morning, but I have to tell you, Im really busy and cant be bothered with you to be honest....right....!"......sounds crazy? Yep, does it work..Yep! I give my anx "permission" to be with me, as well as telling it I havent got time for it and cant be bothered. The less attention we pay it, the more bored it gets with us, and one day, youll get to mid-day and realise.....

03-04-11, 10:16
I always find morning anxiety the worse and am always the first up in my house usually the crack of dawn 5am i always get straight up go to the kitchen and do whatever there is to do and i can be great then i start to feel the anxiety creeping up on me :( and sometimes i end up giving into it and basically freaking out but some mornings i just carry on with my house work or find myself something to do to take my mind off it x