View Full Version : Worrying about DVT or Ovarian problems :(

16-03-11, 12:42
Three weeks ago I got very bad ovalation like pains in my righ side - the pain is hot/pinching like. At the same time I started to get pains in my right leg - mainly on thigh, kneecaps (top & bottom) and ankle. The leg pain feels like vein pain (I had a various vein removed 10 years ago). Then I developed pain in my hipbone and in my bottom. I am presently limping around.. but staying in one place is more comfty..bending or reaching hurts like ****.

I have seen the doctor who has booked an urgent scan on pelvis (ovaries). He felt the pain was down to my old various veins..however I have never experience this pain in leg in nearly 15 years since my op.

Ended up in A&E yesterday after being bullied into it (I hate hospitals).
All bloods & Urine came back clear, was given Morphine and sent home till scan tomorrow.

Now ... I am recovering nicely from PA & Anxiety, dealing with lots of issues and even will this I am being calm (no panic in the hospital - which would have happened a few months back).

But I am really having a bad moment right now... I am on my own at home, worrying that I have something really bad...like Cancer or DVT. I am worried that I may leave my family and who would look after them! I know that hospitals an miss things like Ovarian cancer... and I am in a lot of pain.

Just looking for reassurance... I am trying so hard to ignore this :weep:

16-03-11, 12:49

It's difficult not to panic and be worried but I think your blood tests would have picked up on anything serious and if they were happy to let you go home you should be reassured by that. If they had any doubts at all they would have kept you in for further tests.

Hope all is ok with scan tomorrow.

K xx

16-03-11, 12:58
Thanks Kah - I know but you read so many stories about Ovarian Cancer being silent and not picked up by bloods. I do have all the signs. My doctor could not feel any cysts or lumps and i am really slim so they would show? But they never checked for clots? and I do have history of vein problems.

BTW - my vein was removed 15 years ago (not 10 as i stated)

16-03-11, 13:30
When you were in A& E they would have done a d dimmer blood test to rule out your leg pain being from a dvt- did they mention any of this to you??

Hope all is okay on the scan - I get ovarian cysts at ovulation that burst once I have ovulated. I had this pain every cycle from teenager to last few years but as I am now perimeno I do not ovulate much so the pain is only occasional but its not nice - I call it my walking on eggs pain as if you sit down or stand up or put your feet down to heavily the pain shoots up over your hip.

16-03-11, 13:31
Hi Ambers

I got really worried about stuff like this recently when I had a really lengthy attack of IBS (3 1/2 months!). Initially, my GP had a good prod at my stomach and said that he couldn't find anything that shouldn't be there. He also said that if you have anything on your ovaries, it's very easy to pick up as it feels like a pregnancy. I weigh about two stone more than I should, and he had no problems with me, so as you're very slim, I would have thought that anything like this would show up really quickly.

16-03-11, 14:01
Thnk you all for your replies...really appreciated

I didn't mention DVT to the hospital but they were aware that the pain was also in my leg. The doctor did mention it coud be Sciatica - however my pain def generates from my pelvis/ovaries.

It is a worry, isn't it...I hate being unwell as I am usually very fit but I can barely walk let alone run :( it all means I sit and ponder more, not good when you suffer from anxiety anyway.