View Full Version : sickness bug again, worried.

16-03-11, 12:50
hi all

my little 9 month old daughter has again had a sickness bug for the last couple days, this is the 2nd time in 2 months. now my girlfriend has got it again and i am feeling rough also. i am panicy that there is somthing wrong with us all as we only had a sick bug a couple of months ago. is it normal for baby to keep bringing in bugs?

i am also suffering very badly with my health anxiety, along with whats going on with the bug, i am also going for blood tests next week due to my anxiety. i told the doc that i always feel tired, got no motivation, seem to catch every bug going, no appetite and weight loss. i have also had spells of just crying. i am really worried and would appreciate any help or advice out there.x

16-03-11, 12:55
I would say most definately yes. My 2 girls (aged 2 & 4) have had something pretty much constantly since Xmas, ear infections, chest infections, coughs, colds, sickness etc etc....

I've caught most of what they've had which is unusual for me, I've had 3 colds in the last month!!! It's all quite normal but I know having HA myself that it's just one more thing to worry about.

Try not to worry as anything wrong will get picked up in your bloods (not that I think there's anything wrong :wacko:).

K xx

16-03-11, 13:03
thanks Kah

its nice to hear from someone. being a a new parent is not easy either as i am panicing everytime my little girl gets a bug.

16-03-11, 13:10
thanks Kah

its nice to hear from someone. being a a new parent is not easy either as i am panicing everytime my little girl gets a bug.

I was just the same :D

16-03-11, 14:04
My children only have to sneeze and I'm on panic mode but please rest assured that most young kids are ill all the time until they build up their immunity. My youngest once had a stomach bug three times over the course of one winter, I was convinced it was masking a bigger problem but it wasn't.

Children are little germ factories she's going to get bugs and colds and viruses and she's going to get over them all and if you're worried no GP will ever get niggled because you take a child in to be checked over.

16-03-11, 14:25
My little boy had a cold for almost a whole year...please do not worry. The fact that you all have it means it is just a nasty bug making it's way around your family and nothing more serious...believe me we have been there too.

Take care

16-03-11, 14:27
thank you all very much