View Full Version : SCARED!!!

06-04-06, 13:39
Im taking anti-d's at the moment and am quite scared about side affects etc, i have lost my appetite but im worried when the tablets kick in that i wont feel this new me again and it will make my worries go away. what happens if that happens to me does it mean im seriously ill or maybe they dont work for everyone i always go on about my spaciness and lightheadedness and tension in eyes that i just want them to go, I WANT THE DAY TO COME WHEN THEY WIL GO.

sorry to go on im just scared again

06-04-06, 13:39
i ment it wont make my worries go away...sorry.

06-04-06, 13:49

I am On AD's and have been for about 8 weeks now and I do feel a lot better. It may not be them helping it may be a combination of everything, but I do feel better.

They wont cure you but they will give you the strength to help yourself. They will help you to be more rational and cope with your Panics rather then trying to fight them.

Dont give up on them to easily. They do take a while to take effect. Believe after a few weeks of first taking them before xmas I came off them as I didnt think they were doing anything, but I just hit rock bottom after that, so after a lot of persuasion from my Mum I went back on them.

I hope to start coming off them in the summer, if I am still doing ok.

Be patient chick, it will get better. I know it doesnt feel like at the moment, but I had to learn to just try and ride with it and not fight it as it will right itself eventually. Just accept what your body is doing at the mo.

chin up and have some faith

Hay x

06-04-06, 13:52
Hia Katy,

I know its hard, it seems like your what iffing, one thought will spiral out onto another thought and then that thought will get 10x worse than the original one. one of your your main fear at the moment is "what if they dont work" because your scared that they wont, if you didnt fear this thought then the anxiety wont pick up on it and make it worse. I know its easy for me to say becuase im not going through the same as you. but the lightheadedness could be a side effect of the ad`s so is it worth going back to the docs and telling him what you are experiencing?
When i was suffereing with mild ocd one of the people of the helplines aksed me to try and tell myself that everytime i was thinking these thoughts i should try and stop and tell myself "i dont want to think about this now, this is the anxiety talking and nothing more, why should i give that stupid thought any time of day well all it does is make me worry or ill" and when its abit easier to control your thoughts or when you are having a good day, it does work.

sorry if this wasnt much help for you but it does work for me sometimes.

Jo x