View Full Version : Weird Headaches - I'm scared!

16-03-11, 16:46
Hi Everyone. This is my first post on this site. This site has saved my bacon on so many occasions, when I am just about to go into freak out mode. Just reading everyone's advice over health worries (especially when I am about to Google symptoms) makes me feel so much better.
So I am hoping that my first post on here will get some great advice - as I am soooo worried right now!
I have had this weird headache for over a week now. Its kinda stabby on the left hand side and my face feels tingly around my eye on the left too.
I have had this bloomin' flu bug this last 2 months on and off and I did kind of party a lot this weekend. I don't do drugs, but did have a drink.
I'm just worried because its like a headache I have never had before and I am scared that I have some blood clot or brain tumour or something!!
I am so scared right now. Was meant to go to my Mums for dinner, but I am too scared to leave the house because I am in such a panic over it.
I really hate this feeling...if anyone can help or advise I would really really appreciate it! :(

17-03-11, 02:07
I'm sure it's nothing serious. You could always go get it checked just as a reassurance, but lots of people get headaches/tingly feelings from anxiety. Are you on any medication?

17-03-11, 02:18
I agree with Jot. If you are tense, your muscles can cause the headaches and even migraines. Massage will help and other natural things for tension headaches. Go to YouTube for neck Isometric exercises. Peppermint tea helps me too. I do hope you are feeling better soon. If not, see your Dr. Keep track of your headaches, how long they last, pain levels, what you were doing when they started, etc. That way they can see if there is a pattern (i.e. triggers like food allergies). Best of luck!

19-03-11, 13:37
Hope your headache is better. I have seen lots of headache posts lately.

Maybe enough to have a Forum or sub-forum?

Just a thought....

What do you do to help your headaches? Please post and share your "remedies"

23-03-11, 11:42
Hi Guys,

Thanks for replying...STILL got headaches and tingles down the side of my face. Maybe its a head cold? I don't know...but I guess if I was gonna drop dead I woulod have done it by now. Still sends fear through me though when I get a sharp stabbing pain...which then sets off the old anxiety!
I eat fresh healthy food and make sure I drink 2ltrs of water a day...but I do drink 2-3 large glasses of wine a day, which (due to me drinking 2-3 large glasses a day for 2yrs) the doctor has told me not to just STOP. But, headaches and anxiety feel better after a couple of vino's...which is not the solution, I know...probably makes it worse.
Gonna tackle that this week, as doctor told me to go back so we can work out a programme of cutting down, then get to the root of my anxiety.
But in the meantime, people like you help a LOT with your wonderful support...so thank you.x