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View Full Version : am i being taken seriously???

16-03-11, 18:11
i went to the counsellor today for the fist time and it went well i cant wait to go again ,, i went to see my GP after to tell her about it and also told her a few of my concerns that she says are anxiety. but i asked her to look at me as just a normal patient without anxiety and then told her what ive been feeling i.e pains in one side of my neck ect .. she said i can just take some pain killers and thats it .. she point blank refused to feel my neck because shes done it before and knows there nothing wrong , she says its her job to refuse to fuel my anxiety. is this correct? i feel like shes not takein me seriously because shes putting everyhting down to anxiety when surely theres a chance some things may not be anxiety ???
does anyone get groin aches and pains?? ive been getting then and there not nice .. and also odd pain under my arm .. and obviously my neck on the right side all the time .. there not like constant pains they come and go .. and sometimes for even a few seconds and then go for a minute then come back for a minute ect .. does anyone get this?? or can anyone tell me its not to worry about?? im at the end of my teather .. is this really just anxiety?? or is it something more?? help

16-03-11, 23:11
anyone??????? :( x

Deepest Blue
16-03-11, 23:20
Hi Holly,

Firstly, yes I do get pains around my body, my neck, back, arms on occasions but I mainly have headaches. I also went though a phase of having chest pains and this was a huge concern but this turned out to be muscular tension thankfully.

What you're experiencing could more than likely be related to tension as your body is always tense and not relaxed, this can also cause muscle spasms / twitches.

However, in saying this, if you have symptoms then your GP should take them seriously and not refuse to check you. In fact, you said she refused to check you because she thought it would cause you more anxiety? Well, she hasn't checked you and it HAS caused you greater distress!! I mean what would have been the harm in her examining you and confirming that there wasn't any visable or obvious problem and that if it continue then maybe further tests were needed? Then perhaps recommend you some decent pain killers to help easy the pain, and maybe even something to help you relax as well.

I do think you could have been treated better in this however, my advice would be to try and relax and see what happens, if it continues then demand you get checked out again and for a second opinion. Isn't there any other GP in your practice you can see? Or another surgery like a walk in surgery you can go to?

I hope you feel better soon,
Take Care

16-03-11, 23:33
If it gets worse and the pain is non-stop, then go back. However, it sounds like tension. Your muscles can cause you pain when you hold yourself stiffly and are stressed. Get a massage-there are wonderful health benefits from massage and the MT can relax you, get your circulation flowing, and help those pains you are having. Ask for a swedish massage though. Deep massage can make you sore for days. Afterwards, drink lots of water to flush toxins out of your system, and follow up with a epsom salt bath.

16-03-11, 23:48
I do think that your gp could have been a little more sympathetic in the way that she spoke to you, but I'm sure it's because she doesn't have any concerns and has felt around your neck before.

I get these random pains all the time when I'm feeling tense or anxious, if I concentrate on them they seem to be almost constant and make me feel worse. If I can distract myself then they seem to get less and less.

I know how worrying it can be but I'm sure if your doc thought there was the slightest chance of your symptoms not being anxiety she would be doing something about it:hugs:

17-03-11, 10:21
thanks foe the advice everyone .. i feel like im getting better and then i get a pain when im npt even feelin axious and it scares me :( i know these pains and thinga have come with the anxiety because i didnt have then before but then i cant help thinkin theres an actual illness causein them .. surely my blood test would have showed anything wrong?? :( xxx

17-03-11, 11:27
There would have been indications in your blood tests if something was wrong and then the doctor would have looked further into things.

I also get these random pains when I'm not feeling anxious but your muscles need time to relax and it will be this tension or relaxing of the tension that you are experiencing:hugs:

17-03-11, 12:53
Hi. Yes, these are common pains to have when you are anxious and yes, it is your GP's job not to fuel your anxiety.

It is also her job to check symptoms as a precaution but you say she has checked your neck before. It is very unlikely to have changed unless we're talking about her checking it years ago!

The problem with health anxiety is that people get relief from seeing a doctor and being checked but this relief is temporary and they then need to go and do it again. This makes you dependant on your doctor's reassurance but the trick is finding ways to reassure yourself. If you don't do that then your doctor is feeding your anxiety.

It sounds like your GP is doing the right thing by you :) Try not to get angry, it is much better that you accept all symptoms are those of anxiety - realising this will reduce your anxiety :)

18-03-11, 19:05
I suffered with a pain in what was assumed to be my stomach area for over a year. Went to many doctors and was told that it was IBS brought on by my anxiety issues. It wasn't until I could not stand upright one night and my husband had to rush me to the ER that someone finally decided it might actually be an issue. They found a 14cm cyst on my ovary that turned out to be cancer. Flash forward another year when I was having odd tingling in my face, and neck area. It was also then assumed I was having issues with anxiety, however when they actually bothered to check I had a massive sinus infection. I had sinuplasty done, and it was relieved.

So are doctors doing the right thing by "refusing to fuel your anxiety"?... It has never been a good thing in my case. I went through months and months of pain needlessly because doctors were so quick to dismiss everything as anxiety.

My advice... if you feel your doctor is giving you substandard care because they either do not understand the fact that even people with anxiety can get sick, or are just too arrogant to admit they could possibly be wrong. Find a new one... ASAP.

18-03-11, 19:59
I totally agree that people with health anxiety still need to be checked over because they CAN get sick sometimes just like anybody else! Health anxiety itself is a disorder so when a sufferer turns out to NOT be sick, the Dr should then spend time assisting the patient with managing their health anxiety. Just my opinion...