View Full Version : FREEZING cold feet and beta blockers...

16-03-11, 18:44
Hey I was wondering if anyone taking beta-blockers has suffered with freezing cold feet...its almost as if they are prickling! It stops if I go in the bath or I'm in bed. I'm thinking of stopping them because I'm focussing so much on my prickling feet and regarding that as a new symptom!!

16-03-11, 18:48
have taken these in the past, did not agree with me but work wonders for others and yes it probably is the no1 side effect even down on 10mg for some people i was on 8omg a day x

16-03-11, 18:50

Thanks for replying. I take 10mg 3x a day. My feet almost radiate cold- if that makes sense!! To be honest I'm not sure they are doing anything for me....except the icy toes!! :)

16-03-11, 18:56
i already have high blood pressure treated with lisinoprol 10mg (ace inhibitor) so when i presented with a fresh case of anxiety and panic disorder they put me on these. Took 20mg because i was worried of the effect and ended up with bracharcadyia (low heartbeat) which just reinforced my panic, also took my bp to low and like you had freezing extremities, i perservered for a few days and got nightmares and because they take an hour to get in your system and only stay there for 2 to 3 hrs provided very little relief over a 24hr period. So went back to the drs and started citalopram again 2 days ago x

16-03-11, 19:00
Mm, I didn't realise they only stayed in your system for such a short time! My hands aren't so bad, but my feet are!! I am already on Citalopram...obviously I'll speak to the doc but I think I'm just gonna stop taking them, considering the freezing feet is making me more anxious!! xxx

16-03-11, 20:10
yes my feet were really cold on starting propranol, apparently it is quite a common side effect.

16-03-11, 21:07
I read somewhere that this is one of the common side effects with beta blockers. I've taken Propranolol and Bisoprolol in the past and haven't had this side effect with it but apparently it's very common. Have a chat with your GP. Maybe cut down the dosage? Just a suggestion. :)