View Full Version : Please can someone HELP!!!!

16-03-11, 19:03
Hi Everyone. This is my first post on this site. This site has saved my bacon on so many occasions, when I am just about to go into freak out mode. Just reading everyone's advice over health worries (especially when I am about to Google symptoms) makes me feel so much better.
So I am hoping that my first post on here will get some great advice - as I am soooo worried right now!
I have had this weird headache for over a week now. Its kinda stabby on the left hand side and my face feels tingly around my eye on the left too.
I have had this bloomin' flu bug this last 2 months on and off and I did kind of party a lot this weekend. I don't do drugs, but did have a drink.
I'm just worried because its like a headache I have never had before and I am scared that I have some blood clot or brain tumour or something!!
I am so scared right now. Was meant to go to my Mums for dinner, but I am too scared to leave the house because I am in such a panic over it.
I really hate this feeling...if anyone can help or advise I would really really appreciate it! :(

16-03-11, 20:40
It sounds very much like what I had. Where your face tingled, numb, like pins and needles. And also the sharp pains in the head.
Mine was down to tension/stress/worry.
Maybe try a nice warm bath where you can try to relax. A nice cup of tea and an early night. Rest yourself up.
I know it's hard but please try not to worry. Put it to the back of your mind for a little amount of time while you do something else. E.g pour a bath, put the kettle on etc etc.
Hope you feel better soon

16-03-11, 20:45
Thanks so much!!! Just had a nice bath and read a magazine to take my mind off of keeling over and dying!! Plus I live alone, so, that makes me even more frightened.
BUT, its people like you that take the time to write and offer support that make all of the difference, so thank you.x

16-03-11, 20:55
That's ok, do you feel any better?
Not now because it's dark and cold (although you could stand on your doorstep and take it some nice clean fresh air) but maybe tomorrow try taking a nice walk in the fresh air.
When I got this numbness, tingle thing I would wash my face in cold water, just splash it on. It seems to help a little bit

16-03-11, 21:04
You don't have a blood clot or a tumor. You'd probably be in hospital by now if it was a clot and with a brain tumour you'd have a lot of other symptoms along with the headaches.

At my most anxious I had severe headaches, I could barely open my eyes in natural sunlight it was that bad. I had a tingly face, short stabbing panis in my head, a heavy head feeling... the lot, it was horrible but when I stopped worrying about it (I started obsessing over my heart AGAIN) the headaches went away. It's all tension and stress and I noticed that I was clenching my teeth a lot when I was anxious (which was all the time).

Try and relax more, watch your favourite film, listen to music, go for a walk anything that'll take your mind off questioning your headaches. You're fine. x :)

16-03-11, 21:50
hi i got this feeelin today mine was a mixture of stress from kids and anxiety and tirednes, i came upstairs laid quiet watching my fav soaps and it died down xx

this sit is good x

16-03-11, 22:01
Stay calm because the more you will worry about it the worse you may make it!
If the headache and feelings are because of anxiety/stress, you becoming anxious over it makes it worse.

Try to do something that will distract you for a while, play a game, watch a film/tv.
Do you have a hobby? I crochet when I start to worry as I find it takes my mind off of it and the worst of the pain/ache/feeling goes away.
Please do not worry, you are ok :)

paula lynne
16-03-11, 23:22
Hi welcome aboard.x
When was the last time you had your eyes tested? Could be you need to see an optician given the length of time your headache has lasted. x

17-03-11, 00:02
Glad you are feeling better and that your pain is manageable at least. Uncle Google can be your best friend or your worst enemy....especially if you are anxious! If you Google anything, look for natural ways to help headaches.

Peppermint tea helps me and I have peppermint aromatherapy. The smell makes my headaches less painful. Cluster headaches can be very painful and get that tingling/stabbing behind the eye sensation.

Try doing some gentle neck stretches to ease the tension around your head/neck. Isometric exercises where you push your head against your hand. hand on forehead, hand on right side of head, left side of head, behind you head and just gently push against your hand. There is probably a youtube that will show it.

Rubbing your temples, and the base of your skull will help too. Look up accupressure points for headaches for other places to put pressure to help relieve some of that pain.

Feel better!:D

17-03-11, 00:18
I just got to work and sat down with a niggling left hand headache and then felt a slight numbness tingling around my left eye and cheek and started to freak but managed to calm myself. I couldn't believe it when this was the first post i opened and read that you have experienced the same thing! I haven't had this before but take comfort knowing that i'm not alone. I hope you can do the same. There is alot of good advice here

Kel :)

19-03-11, 11:50
Thanks so much you guys!!! Its so nice to know that I am not alone...and that others feel like this too. Thanks for taking the time to leave me your comments.
This site, and being in touch with people with the same fears, is really helping get my anxiety under control - or not letting it spiral out of control, which happens when you have no body to share your fears with.
:hugs:Hugs to you all...x