View Full Version : B/f just had right funny turn, mouth dropped one side!

16-03-11, 19:08
Hi all

2 weeks on ad and my b/f has been extremely agitated this evening, pacing round, going mad.

Anyway, then he had a turn where he said his mouth felt funny, it was drooping a little, he went all week and fell to the floor, lasted a few minutes, i am panicking.

I have phoned the nhs direct and think we may be going to hospital.

He took an Olanzipine at 4.30pm so wonder if its something to do with this?

16-03-11, 19:24
Oh Loops Im so sorry .Poor thing .I do hope hes ok ..Id take him to a&e to get check out hun ..Let us know how things go .Love to you both ..:hugs:sue x

16-03-11, 20:08
Don't know what to do, his family all think this is just a build up of anxiety.


16-03-11, 20:12
Its possible Loops ..How is he now is his mouth ok ? sue x

16-03-11, 20:14
defo possible but best if he is seen by a doctor, worse that can happen is they send him back home with a letter for his gp saying anxiety, in which case still helps to build up a picture of his current health status x

16-03-11, 20:21
Mouth fine now but still has a weak arm.

Would so love to ditch all this medication but then what?

I don't think he can take another day this high with anxiety, his family just keep saying that he is making it worse, that he is fueling it, how can he calm this down, how much longer will he feel like this?

2 weeks on Mirt 30mg x

16-03-11, 20:22
have to agree chick i think defo go to a and e theres no harm in it xx

16-03-11, 20:33
Im thinking of you both, hoping you get answers!

16-03-11, 20:39
Well I dont think remarks like that from his family are very helpful .I guess they dont really get it tho ?..He cant help his reaction .All he can do is try to distract himself ,It can depend how long all this will last ,as we all react differently .You will know tho ,as the day will start to get good periods with low anxiey levels and mood change .These will become longer .As for tonight I do think he needs to be checked out .Better safe than sorry hun .xxxsue

16-03-11, 20:51
Yeah get him checked. Ignore the family comments, patience is what's needed here.

16-03-11, 20:56
Hi Loops,

Sorry to hear your boyfriend is having another bad day, his anxiety sounds as though it's through the roof. What dose of olanzapine is he on. I am on a similar med (quitepine) and i have found this very effective for my anxiety. Hope he gets some rest tonight, thinking of you both. x

16-03-11, 21:25
Thanks everyone.

His anxiety is so through the roof, he had 7.5mg Diazipam about 1.5 hours and still is so anxious.

He is on 5mg of Olanzapine at night and 5mg in the morning as from tomorrow. (Today he took it at 4.30pm)

Seriously guys he is begging me to help him, he said maybe he is one of those people who cant take anti depressants? He doesn't feel like himself, feels he is out of control, each day he is suffering so much, he is considering coming off them but should he give it one more week?


16-03-11, 21:46
I d say YES .Otherwise he will never know if it would have helped .He may need to take a different type ,and it will mean going through withdrawal as well if he comes off now .Another week will be an average time to see if there is a change .Most find this a turning point ..Tell him to hang in there .Lose the fear of the anxiety ,it doesnt hurt you .Its what it feeds off . .I hope he sleeps well ,you too loops xx luv Sue x

16-03-11, 22:04
Thank you Sue, love to you too :)

He is on the phone now chatting about it to his sister. He just keep saying he is so bad now he can't do anything, he is so worried about being addicted to the Diazipam too because the 5mg doesn't work as well as it did 2 weeks ago.


16-03-11, 22:10
He musnt worry about that now .It can be withdrawn slowly and will be ok .Its still a low dose .Getting stable on the antidepressants is the main thing and keeping the anx levels down .He could try something like Valerian ,ask the Dr first tho . lUV sue xx:hugs: