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View Full Version : pregnancy sickness in 7th month

16-03-11, 19:40
hi all just wondering if its normal to get the sickness thing at 7 months i had it a little in the beging but now in the evenings im being sick i feel nauseous through the day but for the past couple of days ive been vomiting at nite time is this normal

16-03-11, 22:12
hi i am sure when i was pregnant with my daughter 6 years ago i had sickness at the beginning and then it did come back for a little while but not long i am sure some of my freinds who are pregnant have had the same thing hope that helps but get it checked if you are worried good luck with the rest of your pregnancy i am pregnant 23 weeks i no how much of a worry it is i am always worrying about something take care toria xx

17-03-11, 12:47
with my 1st i was sick for 9 months!!! but with my 2nd i was sick till about 16 weeks and then it started again towards end of 7 month, mainly greasy food made me really sick, i think its to do with your stomach being squashed in by the baby! Dont worry about being sick either, in my 1st pregnancy the dr said that the baby would get every single vitamim and nutrient from your body and then the sickness cant harm them its just horrible for you. Obviously if you were at risk of dehydration though you would need to see your gp or midwife xx