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View Full Version : Convinced I have cancer...everywhere.

16-03-11, 19:51
Hey everyone, I know this is going to sound a bit drastic but I am convinced I have cancer spreading all over my body.

Since June 2010 I have diagnosed myself with about 7 different types of cancer and at the moment I am not sure which cancer I think I have but I am convinced I have some sort.

Basically I have the usual type of anxiety symptoms but what is worrying me is that I had a stomach bug (or ate something funny) twice in the space of 6 weeks.

I am convinced the first time I was ill I had a bug because I think i picked it up from my dad who has Alzheimer's disease as I had to clean up his mess. However, I was quite surprised when I came down with it again last week, only 6 weeks later.
Both times the sickness only last 4 hours and I was achey and tired for the rest of the day. After that I felt perfectly fine.

Do you think it was a bug or do you think It could be some sort of cancer spreading over my body. Maybe a tumor pressing on my stomach or organs?

I'm only 20 but i obsess over every type of cancer - even those that are mainly found in people 65+!

:( xxx

16-03-11, 19:53
I think it was a bug and not cancer at all.

You would have loads more symptoms by now

16-03-11, 20:09
I think it's a bug. I've been worried about cancer since I watched my father in law die from it in October.

paula lynne
16-03-11, 23:29
At your age the chances of cancer are very very slim. Apart from stomach bugs etc, what makes you think you have cancer? Why are you obsessing about cancer in particular? have you lost someone to cancer, did you read something about it that triggered these irrational fears? x

17-03-11, 07:55

My HA is cancer too so I know how you feel. If it makes you feel any better I've had 3 different colds in 4 weeks and woke up today feeling all chesty again so think I'm going to get another!!! It's the season for catching everything so try not to worry.

K xx