View Full Version : Breathing and cancer

16-03-11, 20:48
I found a lump in my breast 2 years ago and did nothing about it because 3 people died within months of each other and my worries were put to the back of my mind.
My father in law was then diagnosed with bowel cancer. There was nothing they could do for him. 19 months later it had spread to his bones, lung, kidney, liver and hip.
He started losing his memory in September, he was then told he had weeks to live. Sadly he died in October.
Since then I've worried my 2 year old lump is cancer. I'm terrified of dying so young (28).
Anyway the breathing, well I feel like I can't catch my breathe although I know I can. I struggle to take that deep breathe and am now worried that my lump is cancer and it's spread.

The other worry is, I used this site before. 4 years I've been totally over agoraphobia, anx,panic and now I'm worried I'm falling back to the way I used to be

16-03-11, 21:19
Hi hun, reading your post has really worried me, you must go to the doctors as soon as possible and have that lump checked out. It may well be nothing to worry about but hiding your head in the sand is not going to help your peace of mind or your health. has it grown at all, does it feel any different. Have you any other symptoms like a discharge from your nipple? Make sure that you ring for an appointment with your GP tomorrow.:hugs:

16-03-11, 23:46
Hi, no, no discharge but I am still breast feeding my baby.
The lump hasn't grown, it seems to go smaller and then get bigger again, although that could be me not being able to feel it properly.
Thank you for your reply...

17-03-11, 07:50

I have a lump that goes bigger around 'that time of the month' and then goes smaller again. It's been checked at the Breast Clinic and they said it was just fibrous tissue. I would urge you to get it checked though, just for peace of mind.

K xx

17-03-11, 09:40

I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. If it was something serious I'm sure it would be causing you serious problems after two years. That said, like the others, I think you should go to the doctors to rule anything out.

Your breathing problem sounds to me like you are anxious because of the lump and your worries. You say you feel like you 'can't catch your breath but you know you can'. I think if it was something serious, you just wouldn't be able to breath properly full stop.

When you've been to the doctors and had some reassurance you should be able to get your anxiety in check. You've come back from anxiety before, and I imagine you were in a much worse state then that you are now. Taking a hold of it now should be much easier than overcoming it last time :D.

Good luck with the GP, let us know how you get on.

17-03-11, 10:33
Hi hun

The fibrous tissue thing that someone else mentioned happens to a friend of mine. Hers swells and shrinks too. Had it checked at breast clinic and definately only fibrous tissue.

I am scared of having something checked at the moment too, I nkow hoe you feel but I bet all this stress is going to have an impact on your health you know. I rememeber someone on here has a little saying at the end of there posts and it said....if you are scared in the dark then turn the light on.......

go get it checked and enjoy the releif when they say its totally okay hun.

07-04-11, 23:16
The breathing thing sounds like it is definitely anxiety related, I had the same after my nan died and remember walking to the doctors thinking I was sure I'd be hospitalised....turns out the doctor said I was hyperventilating and sent me home with a brown paper bag lol!!

Most breast lumps are nothing to worry about, just go to the docs to put your mind at ease and rule anything sinister out :-)

07-04-11, 23:45
most defo the lump doesnt sound serioius so chilll
but i would get it checked i would however say to you that, while waiting for tests if they do them think to your self had it 2 yeasrs sop whats a week or two going to do?

your breatghing is idebtical to me hunni totally anxiety xxx

08-04-11, 00:04
Hi. I'm sorry to hear about all the stress you've been through and for the loved ones you have sadly lost.

You absolutely MUST get the lump in your breast checked out. I am not saying that I think it is cancer. However if it IS cancer it is very treatable if found early enough. You have a responsibility to your baby to look after yourself and find out what the lump is. I'm sure it's probably harmless as others have said, but you need to know that for sure. I have the type of lumps inside my breasts that others on this thread have been talking about. I wasn't told that mine was fibrous tissue, but it IS breast tissue that seems to swell at certain times during my monthly cycle. It can be normal for some women to have lumpy breasts, but nobody posting on this thread is qualified to diagnose what yours is, especially without being able to see or feel the lump.

Please book an appointment with your Doctor. You can do this. You have beaten anxiety and agoraphobia which shows you have tremendous strength and courage. Do this for your baby. Find out once and for all. We are all here to support you. Please do it. :flowers: