View Full Version : alcohol

06-04-06, 15:39
Hi everybody,

This mights be a completely stupid question but whenever i drink alcohol the next day i seem to wake up 10x worse with the anxiety and depression. is it just me? i know that alcohol is a depressant but didnt know it could have that much of an effect the next morning.


Jo x

06-04-06, 15:57
Hi Jo, alcohol had the same effect on me too. I tried to use alcohol to ease my anxiety and at first it works but I would then wake up in the middle of the night with panic attacks and the next day I would feel dreadful. My panic attacks got better after I gave up alcohol completely and started taking meds and I know they will return if I start drinking again. I am 38 weeks pregnant at the moment and haven't had a drink for 9 months and I really haven't missed it and I haven't had a single panic attack in that time even though i still get some anxiety symptoms from day to day I feel as though I am in control of it instead of it controling me.
Hope this helps a bit.
take care
Love Lisax

06-04-06, 19:08
Hi Jo, even though I have been med free for nearly a year and panic free for a bit longer, when I drink the following day I feel really anxious and panicky. I did give up alcohol for over two years whilst going through me worst anxiety/panic and started drinking again last august time. Tara x

06-04-06, 22:40
Yeah I've found this too. The drink seems to help in the short-term but then the next day it does seem to bring on anxiety. Has anyone ever had a panic attack whilst drinking? Not a nice experience at all, I felt really out of control and took me ages to calm down. I'm really trying to cut down but I can't resist the occasional real ale.

07-04-06, 00:31
i want to start drinkin again but i am scared to do so, has anyone else been like this?