View Full Version : lost

17-03-11, 02:02
Im lost, split up from Fiance last May and been seeing a Dr at the hospital, thats just part of it, but it doesn't seem to be working, took pills was sick, tried phoning hospital but was crying so much they couldn't understand me.
Sorry my head is all over the place, ha ha ha, thats the problem, can't see a way out of it, just want pain to go away, its too hard to go on. Whats the point, I cant go out, to scared, house going to be taken off me as Im scared of letters and collect them.
Anyway, thats me, well part of it, just wanted to share it with someone.

17-03-11, 02:05
Hello and welcome to NMP. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time but things will get better in time. You will meet some lovely people here on NMP and they will support you and offer you advice. Hang in there. :)

17-03-11, 02:06
Hi Aargle

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

17-03-11, 02:09
Please know that you are not alone. I am sorry you are in pain. Break ups hurt. You will get through this. Have faith in yourself. The sun will shine again and God has plans for you. Be good to yourself. Watch your favorite movie, eat your favorite dinner, visit a friend. Get your mind off your pain by helping someone else. Little things will start making you smile again soon. Talk to a Dr. about the medication. Sometimes it can make you sick for a few weeks until you get used to it or they can lower the dosage for you. There is NOTHING wrong with medication to help you get through a tough time! Sending hugs your way:hugs:

17-03-11, 20:40
Sorry about last night, was a bit emotional, had all the tablets in a bowl like smarties and a bottle ready to just take them, realised that I had to write letters to everyone so by time I had done that was so tired. Feel a little better now, till next time anyway. Thanks for listening.

Vanilla Sky
17-03-11, 21:24
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

19-03-11, 13:32
Glad you are a little bit better. Every "Little Bit" counts! Have you joined the music chain thread? Great songs. Music can always lift a mood.

Have a good day:hugs: