View Full Version : Hi Newbie first time post

17-03-11, 08:31
Hi All

Found this site a few weeks agao after being refferred for a bariem enema. Eversince I had this taest all things have been going through my Mind. Doctor actually thinks that it is IBS but wanted to rule out other options.

Thing is its 4 weeks since my enema and I have had to chases results that are back.

I have rang surgery but cannot get an appointment and I am scared as the receptionist wont tell me if its serious

Im Scared :(

17-03-11, 08:32
Hi claryg

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

17-03-11, 09:12
welcome to NMP xx

17-03-11, 10:40
Thanks its good to now people who feel the same are out there .

Rang docs again this morning and again no appointments avalaible !! :weep:

17-03-11, 13:59
can't you book day or so before for an appointment or ask for an emergency one ??

17-03-11, 14:18
I'm sure its nothing serious as its been 4 weeks since you test,if the results showed anything serious then the doctor would have been in touch within days.
I suffer from IBS and have done for about 8 years,if you ever want to chat then get in touch.x

paula lynne
17-03-11, 14:21
Hi welcome aboard! I do hope the receptionist DONT tell you the results...thats not their job anyway! Keep ringing the surgery, and to reiterate the previous post, if it was serious, they would have called you in immediately. x

17-03-11, 18:21
Thankyou all for your replies. I will try the docs again tommorrow and see if they have appointments avalaible to book on the day. Apparently i can only pre-book appointments two weeks in advance anything else is book on the day only on a first come first served basis.

I have to say most of the receptionist have been very good and I HAD TO REQUEST THE RESULTS to be chased after they hadnt arrived after three weeks. I have been worrying my self silly about this for weeks. Then in return this has made my symptoms even worse.

I think the issue started about 6 months ago when my son started school, I have quite a stressful journey to get to work on time and have been late very often Even though my boss is understanding I dont think I will be able to continue this . Also my partner has had to begin working away most nights , so its just me and my little boy most nights and as you can imagine no spare time to myself. My partner is very good but I am even pushing him away as my self confidence is at zero !! I am scared I will lose him ,

I also help wiith my father he is in a wheelchair and needs some assitance with showers etc. My mum has also recently found out she has artheritis in both knees and is also struggling with her health.

Most mornings I wake and then Wham the stomach cramps kick in until I have been to the loo !!! Then mostly carry on a few times until I get to work.

I have stomach cramps bloating / wind acid. Sometimes constipation then just the opposite.

I do hope this is IBS and nothing more serious. Im scared :weep:

20-03-11, 15:26
Hi Everyone.

I have eventually secured an appointment for tommrorow for my results. Just wondering wether I can face up to going. A good friend of mine has died today and my symptoms are worse then ever . Its made me worry what tommorrow will bring. What if its bad newd :ohmy:

20-03-11, 15:48
Hi Clary

Glad to hear you have gotten yourself an appointment, and I can totally understand how you feel about being worried about going, but at least you will find out the results and you will know one way or the other what the diagnosis is. One thing I will say however is that if it was something serious, the surgery do tend to contact you as soon as they hear from the hospital. Its difficult at the moment as with the cutbacks and lack of staff the hospital find it hard to get the results out quickly, but I am sure the time they have had, they should certainly have been in touch with you if it was serious so try not to worry hun, easier said than done I know, but at least it will put your mind at rest.

I am so sorry to hear you have lost a friend of yours, and my thoughts are with you. One thing that made me think though is that with you saying your symptoms are worse today, maybe the upset has made them worse and it is an anxiety induced symptom. I have General Anxiety Disorder amongst other things and I do find that I get stomach cramps when I am extremely anxious. Without wanting to sound gross, I have been told it is because of the anxiety is causing me swallowing more air and it is going though me and turning into wind at the other end. I am sure that that could be part of the reason, but I would say the more you worry, the worse its going to get, so maybe if you can keep yourself busy today, and try and get a good nights sleep and if you can get someone to go with you to get your results, then at least you will have some support with you, it always helps. I am told that with anxiety that the actual thought of going somewhere is worse than the actual deed, so maybe your worrying is causing you more problems and if nothing else tomorrow will bring you news that will let you know what the problem is and you can get your head round it and they will be able to treat you appropriately.

I will be in the chat room probably around 9am all being well so if you need someone just to have a chat to before you go to take your mind off it, if I am not there, there is bound to be someone else who will be only too happy to talk with you.

Best wishes and will be thinking of you

Suzi xx

21-03-11, 22:17
Thanks suzi

Been to the diocs and good news . I have diverticulitis which i can manage with diet and losing some weight. Cant believe how relieved I am . 4 weeks of hardly any sleep.

Just shows that your mind does work overtime :)