View Full Version : feeling tired all the time

17-03-11, 10:25
What IS this?

It's really starting to frustrate me.

I have always not really been a morning person, but when I first started working full-time, I used to spring out of bed in the mornings.

Now I wake up tired, not just tired, but body aching, sore throat, eyes nearly shut, my arms feeling so heavy even to lift them. I feel like I've done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson.

This lasts all day. I usually start to feel better early evening, but then about 9ish I plummet again and don't want to do anything. There never seems enough hours in the day, after I've done all the housework after work it's suddenly 11pm, and I won't get to sleep until 12. I am supposed to get up about 7.30 but usually make myself late by snoozing til 8.15. Even then I'm shouting at my alarm clock so frustrated for having to get up.

I think this has really hit me since moving house, but that was like a month ago now and I have felt like this before then too, but now it's even worse. I'm 23 for petes sake!

Does any one suffer similar? Have any tips? I wonder if it's to do with being de-motivated in my job, it's just the complete body aches and head fuzz I find difficult, that makes me feel like it is physical tiredness...or I suppose depression?? I don't know :unsure:


17-03-11, 11:08

You sound a lot like me but I've been diagnosed with post viral fatigue/ME. Have you spoken to your GP about it, I had to see 4 different doctors before I finally got one that believed in the illness.

I'm not saying you have the same, but it may be worth you talking to your GP about it. Could your iron levels be low?

K xx

17-03-11, 11:27
thanks for your reply kah.

i had never thought about it being something like a condition, but you could be right. it doesn't make any difference how much sleep i get, or what season it is, i am sick of sounding like a broken record, always 'i'm just tired'.... i hadn't thought about iron levels either... for some reason I feel reluctant about going to the GP as I try not to go too much these days... maybe I could start a few supplements and see how I feel...


17-03-11, 11:33
There's a liquid iron which gets into the system straight away. I tried it but it made no difference just due to the ME but it might be worth a try. There's also a supplement called Moringa which is packed full of vitamins and minerals. Here's some info http://www.moringa.com/ It's totally natural too :)

K xx

17-03-11, 12:11
Mind the iron doesn't upset your stomach Amber - I believe there are varieties around now that don't. Maybe your body is just adjusting to your change of lifestyle? Try to rest when you can. The sore throat thing worries me from a CFS/ME point of view (aches and brain fog as well but they can be down to anxiety issues). But I really hope you don't have that. Vitamins and minerals definitely worth a try xxx

17-03-11, 12:17
Do you think I should bother going to the GP?

The sore throat is pretty regular, and glands up in my neck, but I always just say 'oh i'm just run down...' but should i be run down on a regular basis...!? I guess I feel like I am so much less anxious than I used to be, how can I put this down to anxiety, but I feel with my history the GP won't take me seriously...

The aches... it feels like such a physical effort to even lift a water bottle to my mouth. I guess I haven't given it that much thought before. Thinking it's normal, but now I'm just fed up of it...

Maybe I should get myself down to good old holland and barratt instead.

Thanks for listening and your replies xxx

17-03-11, 12:22
When did you last have blood tests Amber? If it's been a while I'd say it might be worth having them checked xxx

17-03-11, 12:24
Like a full blood count stylee? Maybe a year ago...

Thanks Janey xx

17-03-11, 12:26
I'd be tempted to ask for a new set in that case Amby :winks: xxx

17-03-11, 12:31
Thank you for your help :hugs: Have just booked an appointment for a week on Monday! I suppose it's worth a look... in the mean time I guess plenty of rest of TLC!! I'm also very irritable, short fused I'd say.. feel like I'm losing my spirit a bit at times, which is weird as that's totally not how I feel in my head, I feel so happy that I have managed to challenge myself so much recently!? I don't know...

Thank you so much for all your support as usual.. you know you love it janeeeeyyyy

17-03-11, 12:39
Well done for booking the appointment, I'm sure they'll be nothing wrong but it will give you peace of mind. In the meantime, lots of rest, pamper yourself maybe :D and I'm sure you'll start to feel better.

K xx

17-03-11, 12:45
I think it's good you booked an appointment. Extreme fatigue can be caused by depression but I'm a bit too quick to put absolutely everything down to depression so I miss real physical ailments sometimes. I was too tired to make it to the shops a couple of years ago (they were literally just around the corner from my house!) I kept needing to sit down on my way. I used to call my Mam for lifts from the bus stop from home (a two minute walk) because I'd feel like I was about to drop, my legs were so weak. I slept about 18 hours a day - and I ignored it all!

Anyway, after about a year I went to the doctors and I had glandular fever! So yes, best to check and I hope you're alright. It's rubbish if it's a virus cos you've just got to wait it out but great that you're getting it checked out so that you at least know. I kept going to work full-time all the way through, but lost jobs because I was too tired to work productively or I had trouble making it in - wish I'd known I was ill because I just kept blaming myself!

17-03-11, 13:09
Let us know how you get on xxx

17-03-11, 13:46
Thank you, where would I be without you lot? Never would have booked an appt without you.

It's really effecting my job.. I zone out at my computer and the brain fog comes down and I lose concentration so quickly.. I'll be working on something and then instead I'll check NMP, or hotmail, or anything... then try to concentrate again but then another fog. It's weird.

I always put things down to anxiety/depression too. I guess I feel like why is this still hanging around when I don't exactly carry around anx/dep with me at the moment...fingers crossed!!!

Will definitely let you know xxx

17-03-11, 13:54
The other thing that might be worth checking out if you have bloods done is a thyroid function one, as extreme tiredness can be caused by an underactive thyroid (my mother had this, and it showed up this way with her). Otherwise, simple viruses can linger in the body for months, and I think someone else has already said something about post-viral fatigue.

17-03-11, 14:36
thanks blue. i had a test for thryoid function before as have had quite a few health problems, and it showed up fine so fingers crossed that wouldn't have changed xx

17-03-11, 15:31
Also the feeling is like my bones aching. Dunno why I am adding this really guess I should save it for the doc, but that's what it is, deep in my bones and runs all through my body. Ow! x

17-03-11, 16:52
Have you ever heard of Adrenal Fatigue? Could be that! Look it up on the net!

Take Care x

18-03-11, 10:04
That adrenal fatigue thing is really interesting.

I think I may have worked out why I have been so overhwhelmingly tired for the last couple of weeks though - they have just discovered we've had a gas leak for some time in the little building I work in!! So that may have affected me somewhat!!

Thanks all x

18-03-11, 11:50
That adrenal fatigue thing is really interesting.

I think I may have worked out why I have been so overhwhelmingly tired for the last couple of weeks though - they have just discovered we've had a gas leak for some time in the little building I work in!! So that may have affected me somewhat!!

Thanks all x

Yep, that would do it :ohmy:

18-03-11, 11:59
So dangerous, one of the ladies i work with is pregnant too :lac:

29-03-11, 14:53
i had my blood test so just waitin for the results now. in a way i will be glad if i have a defficiency and can take something to improve the way i feel!!

04-04-11, 14:33
had my blood test results back and it is all clear... :shrug: so i guess that's a good thing but am a little confused!

04-04-11, 20:32
What did they test you for, Amber?

05-04-11, 09:59
Hi Dahlia :hugs:

They did a full blood count, and they tested me for uric acid to see if i had gout, which i didn't... both came back with "No action".

I guess i just have to accept this is just me feeling tired, no reason for it!?


05-04-11, 12:48
Did you get tested for vitamin d levels? bet they didnt, that can make you get bone pain and tiredness. They did a cover on it in the dailymail, said majority of us have vitamin d defficiency. ask the doc to do one, xx

05-04-11, 13:40
OOH that's really interesting meg thank you, i will ask the doctor, as i am not too sure what they tested for exactly just asked the nurse for a full blood count at the same time she was taking my test for uric acid.

thank you:flowers: