View Full Version : bowel cancer worry please help

17-03-11, 10:29
I've been experiencing an increase in the amount of times I have a bowel movement each day and I decided to contact the GP surgery regarding it. As I expected they want me to come in to have a feel of my tummy and send off some stool samples but I'm freaking out. I'm on venaflaxin for the HA and rampril for blood pressure and the info leaflets on both say that a common side effect is diarrohea but despite mentioning this to the dr she still wants to see me - any advice or comfort would be gratefully recieved

17-03-11, 11:22
It's just for safety - the clinical guidelines that doctors work to say that unexplained changes in bowel habit need to be checked out; the great majority of them are nothing serious, as there are all sorts of causes for diarrhoea, from reactions to medication, to food allergies, tummy bugs and IBS. Also, they will always to check out people who are over a "certain" age, as the earlier you pick up anything nasty, the more chance there is of sorting it out.

17-03-11, 12:30
As Blueangel says, it's a standard thing. I've had some probs recently that I thought might be antibiotic-related and the first thing the doc said was - stool sample. Result was fine xx