View Full Version : Swollen Roof of Mouth

17-03-11, 13:58
Hi everyone,

I am just overcoming a stinking cold and have woken up this morning with a welling in the roof of my mouth. It is really painful.

Of course I am convincing myself that it is cancer! Especially since I have recently read the dreaded Daily Mail's report about HPV and that it can cause mouth and throat cancers!! It said that you can have HPV without knowing and can cause cancers!! I really should stop reading the Daily Mail!!

Has anyone else had this swelling in their mouth after a cold?

Sorry to be needy, but freaking out here!!

Many thanks.

17-03-11, 14:27
Hi the swelling can be down to a viral infection ,B12 defficiency ,low immunity ,Eating hot food or Yeast infection .In your case I would say its viral .It shouldnt last longer than 12 days ,but will be helped by taking a good vitB complex .If it by chance doesnt clear up ,get your Dr or Dentist to have a look .he will be able to tell you if there is any reason for concern .I doubt this very much and i hope it clears up when your cold gets better .In the meantime dont aggravate it eating spicy or hot food .t/C sue x